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Posts posted by champaigne0412

  1. guys what does it mean when it says YOU CASE IS OPENNN???pleaseeee need help kinda worried to death plsss

    and it changed to NONIMMIGRANT VISA

    when i checked my status right after my interview, i got the same message that my case is open and it was changed to nonimmigrant. then when i checked this morning, it was changed to administrative processing
  2. The interview is less then 5 min. Just a few questions and if they seem satisfied then the finish with you and tell you to have a seat till window 78 calls you. If there any issues then out come all the required documents and now your into a longer conversation till the CO is satisfied.

    95% applicants like yourself are 5 min. long. Just relax, look the CO in the eye, tell the truth but don't volunteer any information unless a question is asked. Otherwise what you say can be held against you. Be yourself and you'll do fine.[/quote thanks! i think the consular officer was satisfied with my answers. he told me that my visa has been approved and he gave me a paper about domestic violence. so i'm just wondering why my status shows administrative processing.

  3. hi congrats!!:) u'll get ur visa soon!

    anyways my fiance is now in USEm for his interview...

    just wanna ask how was ur interview??was it hard ??i mean the questions??wat was the questions??hehgw thank you!?

    it went well. the consular officer just asked me a few questions like how did we meet, how old is he, where he was born, when did we meet. he didn't even ask for our pictures and conversations :)
  4. Good morning, from the Philippines.

    After six days of getting "search did not return any data" status every time I checked with the CEAC website, I finally got a status at around 9 last night...that of READY.

    So for those who have been experiencing the same, don't fret, give it a day or two. Prayers are sent your way.


    hi, i'm from the philippines. we have the same timeline. i checked my status at ceac website on july 24 and it's ready. pls let me know if u already receive packet 3. have u tried to schedule your interview or u will wait first for packet 3 before scheduling?
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