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Posts posted by JElsafty

  1. I recently received the following email which really got me thinking more about things and the end of times. Makes sense to me.

    Here's something I was reading about and wanted to pass it on. Some know about my thoughts about the end times and the world leader being muslim., but only God knows.

    I've been reading online and found something about Barack Obamas middle name being Hussein. I've read before on a website... www.allaboutGod.com about the shiite muslims believing they will rule the world for 7 yrs and all the world will have to accept islam. Tonight I came across this page about the twelve imams in Islam and their meaning and they are waiting for their 12th one to come into the world and rule the world. Maybe my thinking and theory is very possible about Islam ruling the world during the end times.


    What are the thoughts of a religion being forced upon someone? It's happened in other countries so why would we be immune to it?

  2. The comments are not important. Whats important is it is getting NATIONAL attention. No matter how the reporter made the article...many would be negative. But Wendy knew going in it was MOSTLY about Visa Journey...NOT about the visa process. We just hoped the reporter would use more of the information we provided regarding the horrible wait times and unfairness of this journey. The main idea...is that we get recognized. There is something about name dropping. So when we email someone like Oprah...we say..Im one of the members of the group recently featured on the front page of the Washington Post..... gives us more credibility. Doesn't matter how many negative commenters there are. We are going to get that no matter how GREAT the articles are written. Either way, Im sure USCIS doesn't like their faults and failures on the front page of the Washington Post. It WILL spread. It takes just one person, one voice to get the ball rolling sometime. This article is ONLY the start.

    The more national attention this gets, the harder it may be for us to bring our loved ones over in the future. Even though my husband is from the middle east he has commented on how many middle eastern men are coming here. Although he does like it here, he says there are pluses and minues from Egypt and here, he does not feel the U.S is all that he thought it would be. Back in Egypt everyone talks about how rich everyone here is and he's learned first hand how far money doesn't go. I don't post here often due to the spats. I've read numerous threads on break ups and red flags. Women do not want to feel they are being used, but there are so many here with red flags hanging right in their faces and they choose to ignore them. I think the more attention this gets the more people will bring up age differences, religious differences, etc which could have an ill effect. He case could get ripped apart more than they even are now.

    I'm sure this is not the first time someone has wanted to bring this to national attention. Face it, when we go into these relationships, we know it is not going to be easy due to many factors. I know how hard it is to wait and wait for you fiance or husband to get here. While we were on AR my son was placed on the list to have a kidney transplant. Not even that was considered enough of a medical emergency to speed up the process. I accepted that and went on. I had to be strong for myself and my son. Really, when I see people here say how depressed they are I wonder exactly what is going on in their life that makes there life so depressing. Are you depressed because you cannot be with the one you love, or are their other circumstances where you really need that person to comfort you. My husband got to meet my son for 6 days before my son had to leave us. Do I blame the goverment for this? No. Who knows, maybe if things were not being so nationalized, my husband could have been here sooner.

  3. spank him

    Spank his parents....

    Why his parents? Can you say you honestly never found playing with fire interesting as a child? I'm sure this child really thought about the word arson when he did this or did he even know what the word meant :no: It's a very sad situation indeed.

    Exactly! My dad was a fire fighter and my younger brother was obsessed with fire. Once he started the curtain in our motor home on fire. Thankfully it was discovered before it got out of control. I assure you, all of my siblings were well aware of the dangers of fire. Fire safety is also an annual topic in schools. Kids often do dangerous things despite the lessons taught by parents and educators. I don't fault the parents in this situation at all.

    So, the parents bear no responsibility at all in this? :blink:

    So, what are you going to do? Imprison the parents? Sue them? I doubt they encouraged their son to play with matches to start a wildfire. I'm sure these parents will suffer greatly for the actions of their son, whether or not they are held accountable for his actions. Personally, I have some empathy for them.

    You can raise your children to the best of your ability, but untimately, there's always curiosity about things even though mom and dad says no. I was told repeatedly not to play with fire, but when my dad would burn down fields I was right there thinking WOW AWESOME! You're told not to drink and drive and how many of us have been stupid and done that? Parents fault for that?

  4. spank him

    Spank his parents....

    Why his parents? Can you say you honestly never found playing with fire interesting as a child? I'm sure this child really thought about the word arson when he did this or did he even know what the word meant :no: It's a very sad situation indeed.

  5. Hope everyone can make it. I did a search on people who put St. Louis as a local office and sent them a message about viewing this post. There is are a couple of people in Illinois who I've messaged as well that were interested in a get together.

    Think Gary and Luz are from Peoria? That would be probably 3 hours from St. Louis. That would be a long way to come for supper, but we'd love to have them if they could make it!!!

    If anyone else knows anyone, extend the invitation.

    Carla (F)

    I rarely post here, but browe through topics daily and me along with many others the filed in St. Louis have never had a PM from anyone. :crying: There will be at least 10 people that I know of that would have joined the event, but since it seemed like an invite only, will not be coming. I hope you all have a great time. Maybe we need to have a MENA meetup for those that are nearby?

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Many wishes to one that showed us nothing but love and support. Words cannot tell you how much we appreciate all that you have helped us with. Blessed birthday wishes to you and many more (F)

  7. I used to like Mangos till I went to Egypt. So many things made from mangos! I had mango juice and mango ice-cream which was ok the first few times I ate it. But the time came where everyone was served a mango after dinner. I was trying to neatly cut my mango while everyone at the table was eating it as if it was their last meal! Mango juice rolling down their chins, dripping all over the place.

  8. Of Course !!! if i didnt vent or find some amusement on line I would Freak out at my job!!!!!!!! :whistle:

    PLus with my husband oversea's.. It is good to talk to him in the day.. Cause by the time I can log in when I get home... It is Very late over there - 7 hour time distance !!!!!!!!!

    It's 8 hours difference now isn't it? I've lost track since Amr got here

  9. So where are all of these "peeps"? It seems pretty dead around here.

    To be honest a lot of people are too timid to go against some of the people in here so they either don't post or they just leave.

    I think it's really sad that we had two new foreign users here that got slammed. I know that some can be hard to understand because their english may not be all that but some can relate to what they are saying and can even benefit from their posts. I know when I read seka's posts to my husband he was smiling and nodding his head. Just hearing someone go through the same experience as you can be comforting. We get few beneficiaries in here to begin with so to see some come in and then get dissed it's just a shame.

    Do you think that the reason that people don't get along with the foreign SO's is because their English might not be perfect? Oh please, we have to put up with AMERICANS who spell and write worse than 8 year olds.

    Why do we have to be more sensitive towards certain members?

    How about we be more sensitive to all members??

    Enlighten us then 'cause there's a whole bunch of peeps who would beg to differ.

    Yes, now would be a good time to talk about how fantastic GEG has been to the women here, and how Sarah T never helped anyone.

    And I would appreciate it greatly if you would stop putting words into my mouth. :thumbs:

    Um...read above....when did I say it's time to talk about fantastic GEG has been to the women here and how Sarah T (whoever that is) never helped anyone?

    when did I do that?

    I tend to not post frequently on here due to the battles muslim and christian sisters involve themselves in. While this is an open forum and personal expression is ones choice, I don't see how the behavior would be appealing to anyone that may be interested in christianity or islam. I want my posts to be read as just that, a post and not what religion I am.

    Since I don't post often, I'm not familiar with many of Sarahs posts; however what posts I read seem harmless compared to some other posters that jump to conclusions.

    At any rate I suppose this is my post for the week!

    BTW I like the pink elephant

  10. What is the exact different between the orfi contract and the nikah contract? My first visit to Egypt was basically a nightmare the first week. My husband, then fiance was not even allowed to come to my hotel room so we could talk. That left all our time together at coffee shops or walking around in the streets. It was nonsense! When we went to the Egyptian museum he was asked if I was his wife and as soon as he said "fiance" BAMM! I got to pay a fancy $50.00 and he got to pay appromatly $3.00 to get in the door! It was like this at the pyramids too. His family then suggested that I stay with them and he could stay there too so we could at least get to know one another more. He also BTW spoke with an Iman regarding this matter. When planning my second trip to Egypt, after already filing for the K-1 we were advised by his family among others that we should do the contract route so we would stay together while I was there. I was taken away at how differently things were as we could go anywhere together with no questions asked. I know these topics are always a hot discussion. We always felt in our hearts this piece of paper was our little marriage in Egypt and feel our marriage was in the eye of God. I speak to many on this forum that did the same thing however I'm sure none of them will step up and say the facts. How many women with fiances from Egypt say how they lived there with them for months then came back to file for the K-1? After being there 3 times I honestly don't know how this was done unless the contract came into play somewhere along the way. The contract does not say a couple HAS to have sexual relations does it? People can stay together without that, no? And what about when the fiance receives their visa and comes to meet their gal in the U.S. Most of them are staying together, correct? And there is no nikni involved? So why not have an honest contract? I'm sure I'm talking in circles at this point. I just wish the other gals on here that went through Egypt that I know had a contract (and many of you would be surprised at the number) would speak up because many times I feel that those of us that did have a contract have our husbands made out to look like the sex craved egyptian man that didn't want to go the whole route for the K-3.

    So you went to Egypt with NO CLUE HOW THINGS WORK THERE? Your nightmare trip is your own fault, sorry to say.

    Consider this. There are many things I never thought to tell my husband about the U.S. Likewise there were many things he didn't tell me When you are used to things being a certain way you normally don't even think of telling someone about the way this or that is done. So really it is nobodys fault. My husband also knows a man that worked in the embassy and he said they are very well aware of the contract marriages and they don't question them at all.

    Sorry, doesn't fly. The US isn't Egypt. If he didn't tell you all this first, and you didn't ask what it would be like, at least asking other women, I can't imagine why you're surprised your trip was a nightmare.

    And your husband is lying to you. The consulate/embassy very much care about orfi marriages. His friend isn't making the decisions, an American foreign service lifer is.

    If your man refers to you as his wife as easily as you refer to him as your husband, he will be denied immediately. If you are married and filing K-1, he is making an illegal petition.

    The consulate knew about our contract AND my husbands visa was approved and he is here with me now. I was also referring to the nikah and not the orfi

  11. What is the exact different between the orfi contract and the nikah contract? My first visit to Egypt was basically a nightmare the first week. My husband, then fiance was not even allowed to come to my hotel room so we could talk. That left all our time together at coffee shops or walking around in the streets. It was nonsense! When we went to the Egyptian museum he was asked if I was his wife and as soon as he said "fiance" BAMM! I got to pay a fancy $50.00 and he got to pay appromatly $3.00 to get in the door! It was like this at the pyramids too. His family then suggested that I stay with them and he could stay there too so we could at least get to know one another more. He also BTW spoke with an Iman regarding this matter. When planning my second trip to Egypt, after already filing for the K-1 we were advised by his family among others that we should do the contract route so we would stay together while I was there. I was taken away at how differently things were as we could go anywhere together with no questions asked. I know these topics are always a hot discussion. We always felt in our hearts this piece of paper was our little marriage in Egypt and feel our marriage was in the eye of God. I speak to many on this forum that did the same thing however I'm sure none of them will step up and say the facts. How many women with fiances from Egypt say how they lived there with them for months then came back to file for the K-1? After being there 3 times I honestly don't know how this was done unless the contract came into play somewhere along the way. The contract does not say a couple HAS to have sexual relations does it? People can stay together without that, no? And what about when the fiance receives their visa and comes to meet their gal in the U.S. Most of them are staying together, correct? And there is no nikni involved? So why not have an honest contract? I'm sure I'm talking in circles at this point. I just wish the other gals on here that went through Egypt that I know had a contract (and many of you would be surprised at the number) would speak up because many times I feel that those of us that did have a contract have our husbands made out to look like the sex craved egyptian man that didn't want to go the whole route for the K-3.

    So you went to Egypt with NO CLUE HOW THINGS WORK THERE? Your nightmare trip is your own fault, sorry to say.

    Consider this. There are many things I never thought to tell my husband about the U.S. Likewise there were many things he didn't tell me When you are used to things being a certain way you normally don't even think of telling someone about the way this or that is done. So really it is nobodys fault. My husband also knows a man that worked in the embassy and he said they are very well aware of the contract marriages and they don't question them at all.

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