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Posts posted by Jessicups

  1. My advanced parole was approved and my current status on the website says "Advanced Parole Document was produced", it was approved two days ago, and produced today. My questions are 1. does this mean it's mailed and on it's way, or will I get a notice of it being mailed? And 2. Can I leave before receiving the document when I know it's been approved, and just have someone mail it to me? The wording on the website can be tricky, there are sentences that make it seem that as long as it's APPROVED you can leave without endangering your AOS. And others that sound as though you NEED to have it in hand (hard to prove that I didn't have it in hand if it was already produced and possibly sent when I left). I understand that by mailing it you face the risk of it getting lost, I am more concerned with my AOS status. Worst case scenario if it was lost is I just wait for green card, it's my AOS status I am concerned with.

  2. This is an old post so not sure if I will get an answer but,

    I went to an INFOPASS appointment a few days ago to see if my AP could be expedited, I was told because my reasons weren't life or death that I could not receive an emergency expedite on AP. The guy I was talking to there said that I could go and that my AOS pending would likely not be abandoned based on the fact that my husband is military. And that once the AP was received in the mail I could have it mailed to me and get back in with that. This was straight from the guy at the USCIS office. Now he said it's never guaranteed, and unless it was a true emergency he wouldn't risk it. But that I had a pretty good chance of being ok if I went because of the military status, does anyone have any information on something like this? Was this officer clueless and if so why is he the one people are talking too about their situations? Has anyone else that's military experienced anything like this?

  3. The reason I want to go back to Canada while my husband is in training is because I suffer from moderate general anxiety and also a specific phobia of being victimized in my own home. When there is someone here with me the anxiety is low, I am able to control it with things like making sure doors are locked, windows are locked, checking rooms ext. Being home alone especially at night causes me severe anxiety attacks and some times even panic attacks, I am unable to sleep, and eventually get to the point where I can't function normally. This is a very embarrassing situation for me as I consider myself an intelligent and logical person, but can't seem to control the anxiety. I am about to hit my third trimester in pregnancy, have a 19 month old son, and absolutely no friends, family or support here what so ever. These are the reasons I want to return back to Canada for the duration of my husbands training. Not to mention if I were to have a general emergency, or go into pre term labor I will have no one here to help care for my young son or assist me in the hospital. I am heart broken I was turned down at my infopass appointment, it feels like sometimes mental illness isn't taken as seriously as a more physical illness would be.

  4. My husband is currently serving in the U.S Military, I am a Canadian citizen and have been here with him in the US for about 5 months. We just recently applied for AOS, including an advanced parole. I desperately want to expedite my AP based on health issues of my own, so I have been doing reading on the expedition process. So much of what I read on non-USCIS sites says they wont expedite unless essentially life or death. But in some of my research I have come across a few things displaying 2 different types of expedition, one being an Emergency expedition (life or death), but there is also plenty of information on their site saying they can grant AP based on financial lose, humanitarian reasons, ext. obviously NOT life or death reasons. Can anyone clear this up for me? I went to an INFOPASS appointment today requesting an expedite and was told the "life or death" scenario, so how do I expedite based on a humanitarian reason rather then severe illness? I wrote EXPEDITE on my advanced parole when I sent it in, and included a letter explaining my reasons and also any proof I had. And then today after my appointment I called into the call center and asked for my AP to be expedited, she said I should hear back from someone in 5 days.

    I'd love to hear any expedited AP stories? or any knowledge on the difference between a normal expedite and an "emergency" expedite? Also does being a Military dependent effect or speed up any of these processes on its own? We have heard from multiple sources that these things are usually just naturally expedited for military families.

    Thank you for any feed back or information.

  5. My husband is an American soldier and I am a Canadian citizen, we got married Aug.2014, and I moved here to be with him December 29th.2014. Because he is an American soldier I qualify for "parole in place", which means I can legally be present here while filing, I was let into the country on a humanitarian parole. We had to wait to file AOS because of money reasons, and we did all the paperwork our selves cause we couldn't afford an immigration lawyer. I sent in my package June.2/15, and just received the receipt yesterday for the I-485, I-130 and I-131. My husband is leaving on a 6 week training exercise July.7/15, I am currently 6 months pregnant with a 18 month old son, I have absolutely no friends or family for support here. If I happen to go into labor or have some sort of emergency I have no one here to help me or to help with my young son (husband will be in California in the middle of no where so far from reachable). I also suffer with a moderate to severe anxiety/phobia of being attacked in my home, when someone is home with me the anxiety is minimal, but home alone (especially at night) my anxiety can become debilitating. I have anxiety attacks, I am completely unable to sleep, it takes a huge mental and physical toll on my body, being pregnant this worries me greatly (being pregnant, medication is not an option). I desperately want to expedite my advanced parole to hopefully receive it for when my husband is leaving, I am just completely lost on how to do so. I have read about the infopass interviews, is this my best route? I've also read some people say you need to have your biometrics done before you can have an AP, but it says right on their website it is not required for an AP. Has anyone been threw this? What is my best bet for receiving an AP before or near July.7th?

    Also I am very worried that by leaving so soon after filing my AOS that I would possibly miss my biometrics appointment and interview, if I am granted an advanced parole will they take that into consideration when booking my appointment/interview? Can I request for the appointments to not be made till after a certain date (my returning time), or can I reschedule if I will still be out of the country when they are booked?

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