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Posts posted by Bukaroo

  1. Of course you need help. However one burning question which is necessary for you to answer, why can't you hire a US citizen? And this must be answered in terms of skills. Obviously you prefer someone you know and trust, however, USCIS does not care about your preferences. they care that a foreigner is coming to take a job that an American citizen can do.

    Good luck

    Thank you for your answer but I had several US citizen as workers on my farm and had bad experiences with them. We are just thinking of someone who I trust and won't let me down or steal from me.

  2. Hello

    I am registered blind in the US and I do require help on my horsefarm with the horses. I have only a small horse farm in which also runs on a self sufficient basis.

    My friend a UK citrizen would like to come and work voluntarily for me, he is retired and would have his own monies coming in form of an UK Pension and also would have health insurance in place before entering the US. He would live with me and my wife on the property.

    The question is I do not know which visa would be the best for him as he stated that he would like to voluntary help me out for a few years on my horsefarm. Due to me being blind I do need the help with my horses which my wife used to do but due to her health she no longer able.

    Could you please let me know which is the best way for him to be able to do so?

    Thank you

  3. How much time are you looking to spend in the UK? If they think you are trying to live there as a visitor it will likely end in tears.

    I am thinking of flying over for 6 months at a time for the next three years but perhaps different sponsors? She can financially support me as she will be earning in excess of £19000.

    Or is there a multiple visa I could apply for?

    Thank you.

  4. VWP allows people to visit for up to 90 days.

    You do not need your marriage registered in UK, not sure if that is even possible.

    Fees to visit are nominal, applies for ESTA pre clearance, 12 quid?

    UK depends on how much she earns. This forum is about moving to the US, have a look at UK Yankee for going to the UK.

    Thank you very much for all the information.

    We think this maybe the best way?

    We will apply for an ESTA pre clearance then she comes over here, we get married, we then go back to the UK - me on a visitors visa and fly back and forth for three years until we move to the US.

  5. To marry in the UK needs a visa, you can not do it as a visitor.

    She also needs to sponsor you, the UK does not allow co sponsors like the US does and the amount you need to earn is higher.

    It was my post that was deleted for some odd reason, but if you are looking to marry in the US she can come here on the VWP and do so.

    Thank you.

    Did we understand this right that she is better off coming on a VWP (not sure what this means) then we get married in the US. After that I fly back with her to the UK on a visitor visa? and get our marriage registered in the UK?

    Furthermore what are the fees for getting a visa for her to come to the States?

    As mentioned we would like to live in the UK for 3 years first to accumulate money to be able to set up home in the US after that.

  6. ~Moved from K1 Process to What Visa Do I Need Forum~

    ~inquiry about family visas~

    ~one post removed for possible TOS violation~

    ~Please be mindful of VJ Terms of Service (TOS)~


    As I am blind and have only access to an iphone finding reading and typing extremely difficult, my fiancee is in the UK online monitoring the replies whilst relaying it back to me on skype. We did not think we are violating anything, if this was the case please accept our apologies.

    We are genuining needing help in finding the best way of getting married.


    OP has yet to mention where they wish to set up home.

    OP has yet to mention where they wish to set up home.

    We would like to live in the Uk for the first three years due to my fiancee working then move to the US to settle down.

  7. I am an US citizen residing in Kentucky US. My fiancee is a UK citizen and resides in Manchester UK. I am registered blind here in the US whilst my fianceee just started working full time in the UK after being on benefit for a while.

    We both have not had yet the finances to visit each other but have maintained a long distance relationship the last two years. We both would like to get married this year in the US this year but are totally confused by visa, etc.

    We are now trying to find out which way would be the easiest and most uncomplicated path to get married either here in the US or even the UK?

    We just do not know where to start, please help by letting us know step by step procedures, etc.

    Thank you.


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