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Posts posted by yabnasful

  1. I would definitely not lie and leave it off. It could come back to haunt you later.

    Do you know anyone in Cambodia that can go there on your behalf?

    If not, it would be best for you to travel there and get it yourself. Getting a lawyer involved might just complicate/delay things, in my opinion

    Thanks for the reply! Yes, i've got some family friends living there.. I dont want to trouble them! I guess my only option is to fly there and get it it done myself.. Will have to delay our petition, for a second I thought I found a shortcut! :)

  2. have you seen this link already?


    I agree with ch3john not to leave anything off. Your passport immigration stamps will show that you were in Cambodia for some duration, right?

    Thanks for the reply! My passport with all my cambodian immigration stamps and visa have expired... Since im using a new one thought I could get away with it, I guess not :/

  3. Hi guys,

    I've been stressing out trying to figure out how to get a cambodian police certificate, i used to live there when i was 10 to 18 years old due to my dads job.. I left in 2012 and returned back to my home country, japan.. I've called the cambodian embassy in tokyo and was no help, emailed various law firms in cambodia and asking for their prices.. I've gotten a price range of $1500-$2500??? pretty insane..

    Our last option would be me flying there again to process it, its expensive but definitely cheaper than law firm prices.. I'm just so busy finishing college that i dont know if i have time to fl to cambo..

    MY QUESTION IS: Is there anyway I can just not mention ever living in cambodia and just present a japanese police certificate??? Will they figure out im lying??

    Any information will be appreciated.

  4. Use your Japanese passport. Lots of Americans that were born in the Philippines have a Filipino Birth Certificate and a US Passport. If your birth was registered in PI, then you can claim dual citizenship by obtaining a PI Passport. However, you are a Japanese Citizen as you are recognized by the Japanese Government (through your father), as such with your Japanese Passport.

    State your "other" nationality as Filipino.

    Yes i was hoping to use my japanese passport for the visa and write an explanation with my proof of japanese citizenship (from jap father) there should be no need for me to apply for a filipino passport right?

  5. I have quad-citizenship.

    Just go with your country of birth and birth certificate. Obviously state you have "other" citizenships. USCIS just wants it on record.

    Country of birth? So does that mean I still have to get a filipino passport? I was hoping to use my japanese passport for the process and just state my "other" nationality as Filipino.

    I suggest you use japaneese papers , cos japaneese have a shorter AP.

    i dont have a japanese birth certificate cause i wasnt born here :/

  6. Hi Guys! I have a question, I am dual citizen by blood (Japanese Dad, Filipino Mom) I was born in the Philippines so on my birth certificate it says my nationality is Filipino.. But I have never had a filipino passport, i've always use my japanese passport and consider myself japanese, So my question is do i have to renounce my filipino citizenship in order to avoid confusion when filing the k1 visa or can i just go with a filipino citizen birth certificate and have like a explanation why I have 2 different nationalities?

    PS: I know dual citizenship is not allowed in japan but since ive never had a filipino passport i dint have to chose nationalities and im automatically still a filipino citizen from having that automatic right from having a filipino mom,

    Thank you! :)

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