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Posts posted by dsalyers43

  1. With this being your third trip, I think applying for either visa would be fine. The fiance visa is generally faster. I would strongly suggest sending a lot of relationship proof with your initial package. This is called front loading. It has been the impression of many people that interview in Casablanca that the decision about the visa is made before the interview. Therefore, the more evidence you can put in front of the consulate the better.

    I don't know what the one poster was saying about no one ever gets the fiance visa from Casablanca, as we and many others were approved without any problems. The key is to be prepared.

    Since you didn't bring your papers to marry in Morocco this time, it seems like the fiance visa would be much faster anyway. I wouldn't hold out hope on the expedite though. Try, but don't be disappointed if it is denied.

    Edit to add: While in Morocco, get your fiance to fill out the G325A, the letter of intent to marry, and get 2 passport photos. This will save him the cost and time of mailing these to you before you apply.

    thank u so much. I am very hopeful. can I get the applications on line. we did the photos. and after he fills that G325A he is to give to me to send?

  2. Is this your first visit to Morocco to see him?

    What is this medical condition that you plan to expedite with? Expedites are not easy to obtain and you must provide medical records to prove that you qualify for one.

    Neither visa is easy if this is your first visit. Your consulate likes to see many visits and a lot of time together in person. It sounds to me like you two are rushing things a bit and that he may leave if this relationship/marriage doesn't progress quickly enough. I would be very, very cautious.

    It is my third time to see him. and my diabeties is bad but when I am with him he makes things ok. and I have a lot of papers on my medical condition. when am with him I don't need shots but when I am without him I take a lot of shots.

  3. I need some advice I am In morocco now visiting the man I will marry and he lives in morocco and I live in usa. which is the easiest to get accepted with a fiancé visa or marriage visa. I expedited too because of my health and need him with me in usa because my health is fine when I am with him. Please help I don't want to lose him but he wants to marry in morocco and I want to marry in usa and when I arrived too I forgot the papers I need.

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