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Posts posted by addy

  1. I know I can't work for about 2 years after we're married.

    Couldn't let that go - it's wrong. If you apply for a spousal visa (if you are married for less than 4 years that is FLR, issued for 2 years, after that, or if married for more than 4 years ILR (indefinite leave to remain). On either visa (usually issued in about 6 weeks) you can work as soon as it's issued.

    You would have to be living in the UK as a resident for 3 years (time spent on a holiday visa is not counted) before you can apply for citizenship.


    Hey cut me some slack here. I've been busy and haven't checked through all the notes I've gathered. It is when they give me the 6 months to stay that's when I can't work. Duh on my side. It's good that I can work after I'm married.

  2. That's true. At first my honey and I were only going to live together but the visa for that was only for gay couples. After many talks, we decided to go for the fiancee visa. One of the rules I checked on was that after we're married and about 3 (wasn't sure if 2) years, I could go ahead and apply for citizenship. I know I can't work for about 2 years after we're married.

  3. My mom had a mammogram on Sept. 11 and we got the results today. They said they found a questionable area and she was pretty upset. I calmed her down but I was pretty worried too. I checked with her doctor and he said it was a little nodule they found and it could be a mole or fatty tissue. They'll do a recheck October 5th. I'm hoping I'm worrying for nothing. I love my mom.

  4. She's here! Lilly Cassandra is officially here! She was born on the 25th and my sister is doing fine. She's an 8 pounder and 20 inches long. We'll be going to the hospital tomorrow and I'll be taking my camera. :dance: :dance:

  5. My sister will go to the doctor tomorrow. The birth date has already passed so everybody is waiting on pins and needles. I wished her well when they start the labor. Can't wait!

  6. I came home tonight after the usual blur of telephone operating calls and I had some horrible old woman first ask me which state I was in. She was very relieved when I mentioned the US. Then she goes on about how her phone company is letting a black girl roam around asking customers if they are happy with their service. She was ready to call the police on this person. I just eventually gave her the push off.

  7. My song. (F)

    A Song For While I'm Away

    These words I wrote, play and sing to you

    Do not convey the love I brought and bring to you

    For this is a song for while I'm away

    To say all the things I'd love to say

    You are my life, my everything, you're all I have

    You are my hopes, my dreams, my world come true

    You're all I have

    Please heed me now these words I have to say

    Now I'm headed for the border

    You see this song it ends right at the start

    I swore when I was younger

    No one would win my heart

    And far away hills look greener still

    But soon they'll all slip away

    It's then I'll be returning

    And I'll be coming home to stay

    You are my life, my everything, you're all I have

    You are my hopes, my dreams, my world come true

    You're all I have

    Please heed me now these words I have to say

  8. "If you've lived together for 2 years or more, you can apply for an Unmarried Partner Visa otherwise known as Further Leave to Remain if you're in the country, if you're not in the UK, you need to apply directly to the consolute for the equivilent visa but it's also an entry clearance. This is granted for 2 years. You can then apply for 'Indefinite Leave to Remain' effective PR Status for the UK."

    That was the one wrinkle for me and my man. :P Since we have never lived together, we were stuck on what to do next.

  9. My boyfriend and I are in the same pickle like you. We were trying to look for visas where we can just live together. The only ones we've seen are spousal visas and the fiancee visa but I believe the spousal visas are more for the same sex couples? I think I have seen that information in the visa site so we have decided to go ahead and file for the fiancee visa. :)

  10. It doesn't bother me when I hear people talking in another language. I'm Spanish and it helps a lot like when my neighbor was robbed and he was trying to tell the police what was stolen and he needed me to translate.

    At my job, a guy that called me about connecting him to another number got so pissed listening to someone else talk spanish that he was one of those saying "this is America, land of the free, blah blah blah"

  11. What does your sister say about all of this?


    Yes she knows. She has always known that we don't get along. She got after him when he snubbed my baby during thanksgiving. There were times that he really upset me and all she can say is "I know". I called her cell phone once and he answered and he didn't want to give her the phone until I lost my temper. He was getting such a kick out of what he was doing and when I finally spoke to her, I told her calmly that I hate him and she understands.

    She is afraid of him. She always has to park the car away from the driveway so no oil spills on the ground. She does have to be careful not to spill anything on the furniture and keep the carpet clean.

    I thought about skipping the baby shower but it would only hurt my sister and it would give the jerk the satisfaction if I didn't show. When he found out about my trip, he got angry because I just got a job and have been there for a few months. While I was in Wales, I heard about my father getting ill and my mum calling everybody for rides to do the errands. The jerk was demanding that I cut my trip short and return immediately but I was happy that they got a taste of what I do when I'm on my own and my parents needed me if there was an emergency.

  12. My sister is about 8 months pregnant now and I'm excited about seeing her baby. The thing that's bugging me is my sister's husband.

    We don't get along. We never did. I tried being respectable towards him last year when he volunteered to take my chow Fluffy to the emergency room because she was dying but it didn't last and we exchange daggers everytime they visit. He always had a bad reputation since high school. When I was in the high school band in the drum section, one guy that knew him was afraid to talk to me fearing the jerk could beat him up or something. My mum tried keeping my sister apart from him when they broke up once and he got in a screaming match with my mum. His grandmother warned my mum that my sister had no idea what her grandson was like. When my sister married the guy, they moved to different places since he's in the airforce and when they stayed in abilene, she invited me to spend a few days with them. I caught the jerk giving me unwelcomed glares and I could just imagine a voice telling me to get out. He's given unwelcome looks to my mum too and she's aware of what he's like. A few months ago when my mum and I were visiting my sister on the other side of San Antonio, he came home from work and saw us and asked me why I wasn't working. It was my day off and my mum and sis knew that but he didn't want me there. He was glaring at me because I was wearing my shoes and he always wants guests to take their shoes off before treading on the carpet. He does not approve that I still live at home with my parents and he thinks I'm robbing my parents of their money. Everytime I go visit my sister, he makes an excuse to my sister and leaves. The worst thing he ever did and it makes me despise the son of a ###### was when Dan came to see me for thanksgiving. We had the dinner over at my sister's and the ####### answered the door, greeted my parents but ignored me and Dan and my baby had no idea why the idiot was like that. Now that I'm going to be an auntie, I fear "his lord and master" is going to give me grief about being there at the house with the baby. He'll give me more nasty looks and because I can defend myself, we'll be getting into fights and I don't want my niece to figure out we hate each other's guts. I fear I won't get to know her with his nibs watching me and glaring at me. :help:

  13. Met mine on an online music chatroom and have been inseparable ever since. :luv:

    Actually, I don't think I ever mentioned the entire story.

    My baby and I were both on a messageboard for our favorite band Rush. I was always posting about the music or band and sometimes goofed around with other topics. I noticed him because of his avatar. It was a dolmen that he took me to go see on one of my visits. I asked him what it was, if it was something like stonehenge and he explained it's history and I found it fascinating. I noticed he was writing from Wales and I heard legendary folklore and history about it and I thought he was a very nice guy. My first words to him were "Hi Dan!", thinking he wouldn't respond but he did.

    Eventually, I posted my photo in an introduction topic and I noticed Dan started to talk to me more but I thought nothing romantic of it. In fact, I was chatting with another guy from California. Eventually, things fell apart with the california man, total disaster and I was so upset, I announced I was quitting. Dan wrote to me telling me he didn't want me to go. I told him I wanted to stay away for awhile but he made me promise to let him know when I returned. After some time, I went back to the board and Dan and I started to talk which led to a romance between us and me realizing he liked me when he saw my photo but never told me.

    The more we talked, the more we were falling in love. I told him I loved him and he took my breath away when he said he loved me too. Unfortunately people from the board were starting to find out including the california man and he tried breaking us up. He would taunt Dan saying I was his phony girlfriend and he would taunt me saying Dan has a deep dark secret that will make me regret getting together with him. Some fool even made a topic saying I was mental. All of this made me leave and eventually Dan followed me.

    Despite negativity from certain family members, I went to Wales to see him in person and it was the best move I ever made. (L)

  14. That's true. Well, for me, it took half a day but I was traveling with family members from mexico and we made a lot of pit stops. :yes:

    Some of the hotels on the riverwalk are gorgeous. I know a few are really pricey. The Emily Morgan is about 200 but I've heard it's a bit too snobby.

    The one where I stayed at with my fiancee is the Drury Inn 9806 Interstate Hwy 10w but it's not at the riverwalk and I know you want something there. They have a good breakfast buffet, many rooms, swimming pool and a place to do the laundry. There are many restaurants surrounding the place and you're not far away from the malls. I don't recommend the Alamo Cafe near the hotel. Not many good food choices.

    There is a Drury Inn by the riverwalk too but I think it got mixed reviews. DO NOT go to hotels that have a 2 star rating. They usually turn out crappy. We went to a two star hotel and stayed for three nights and I hated it.

    The St Anthony and Radisson hotels downtown do look like they have good reviews and are pretty near the riverwalk. I'll have a check at other places to offer you some more hints. ;)

  15. Can you tell my why you enjoyed San Antonio? Fun places, sites, etc. (besides the 2 obvious...riverwalk and the alamo).

    San Antonio hmmmmmm? B) As a native of San Antonio, I can tell you of some places to see. When my fiancee came to see me, I showed him around town. Here's a few places:

    Alamo is fine. There are some nice spots to take pics that's true. Across the street, there are museums like Ripley's Believe it or Not and a Terror Tour. You take an elevator down and it's like the House of Horrors in any carnival. There are many shops around there too. I spent all day with my baby walking around town. The Riverwalk has many shops and good restaurants to choose from.

    Tower of Americas is downtown as well. Great observation deck. So tall. There is also a 3d film/tour/ride that is fun and you can get your picture taken. Dan and I loved it.

    Look out for horse carriage rides. We didn't get a chance to do that because we couldn't find it. Ask around and there are tourist information stops everywhere and they should tell you.

    Natural Bridge Caverns and Wildlife Ranch is great to look at. We spent the whole day around there. Sea World is a good spot too. Near the airport is a museum about the railroads and you get to ride on a train.

    There is Corpus Christi beach and Port Aransas. If you're interested, I can recommend a good hotel where I stayed with my fiancee. :yes:

  16. Sweet Miracle - because my baby made me believe there are good men in this world after all.

    A Song for While I'm Away - telling each other we love one another while we're apart.

    Air That I Breathe - when it was playing, he just looked at me and said it's our other song.

    I'll Cover You - "I've longed to discover something as true as this is" That's how I felt when we fell in love. :luv:

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