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Posts posted by engima1995

  1. He is 25 or so by now and surely would have aged out.

    His Mother can petition him as a LPR but only if he stays single.

    He was telling me that when the petition was opened, his name was included in the file so I assumed if his mother was approved then he would be approved as well. Was he talking nonsense?

    Sorry for asking, but what is LPR? and how long would the process be if this is the route that that he needs to take?

  2. Hi guys,

    A friend's grandmother (already a US citizen) filed a petition to bring his mother (and him supposedly) to the US back in 2008. He was 18 at the time the petition was opened. He would like to know if the petition by his grandmother is approved, would he be eligible to immigrate to the US along with his mother? or would his mother have to become a citizen/permanent resident first before she can file a petition to bring him over. Sorry if i'm being vagued. I wasn't given a lot of details regarding his case. thanks alot in advance.

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