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Posts posted by betteralone

  1. Hi fellow VJrs.

    I am here in the US for more than a month now. we paid my greencard last April 18. I tried to open my account in ELIS website but I for got the password and was not able to answer the security questions and now my account is locked. I just wanna make sure if its on process already or what. Is there any chance on how to be able to know it or unlock my account at least? I am calling their toll free number but it is always busy.

    Thank You

  2. I am thinking of going back home or staying here and stand up for my self.

    I want to go home, but I already left my job. I have my loving family waiting for me there, and with them I am truly happy. I want to stay too, and able to let him realize that I can be successful without him in my life. I do not know, I am torn between the two. His siblings said I should stay, and just don't mind their brother. I should not let him see that I am hurting. That I should show him I am a strong woman.

  3. He bought the ticket for me last March 16 for Apr 11 flight. Our second year anniversary was April 12. I don't know what kind of greencard yet since I don't have it yet but he paid for it a month ago.

    Once I get my greencard, I want to work right away for me to divert my attention and for me not to pity myself anymore. Its hard for me everyday to see him or even hear his voice hurts me. We are living with my in laws, I don't want to make a lot of tension in their house. My in laws has been there for me all through out. They took care of me, they are against what their son is doing but there's nothing they can do about it. Even his other relatives (aunties, cousins, siblings) are not talking to him because of whats happening.

    I know I need to move on. Even his mom said that her son will not change that I will not be happy with him and that I should just move on and he doesn't deserve me at all. I just wish he realized that. But I can't do anything.

  4. I have been a member of this forum since we started the process but can't seem to log in using my old account that is why I made a new one. Anyways, my story is kinda long so please bear with me.

    I am here in the US for more than a month now under cr1 category. Me and my husband got married 2013. After we got married a couple of weeks after, he went back to USA. After two or three months since he came back, I found out that he was having an affair with a filipina also. I was doomed. I was helpless. He doesn't want to answer my calls, always mad at me for calling him or asking about him and his whereabouts. He never admitted his relationship with that girl but even his relatives saw him with that girl many times and his mom was so mad at him because of what he was doing. I was left in the Philippines, feeling helpless, I felt weak, it affected my health, my job, my life. He knew that his wrongdoings affected me, but he didn't stop. He said he will change but he didn't. I always pray to God that my husband should realize what he was doing is wrong. I felt like I was like a trash that was dumped and was useless. I asked God to let my husband realize that what he is doing is wrong and if he really wants me in his life still or not. I don't hate him because I love him. So God answered my prayer and my husband filed his petition for me and later on he and his gf broke up. A year after, my visa was granted. I was the happiest woman that time. I felt like my marriage is worth fighting for. Little by little, I am confident again that I am the one who he wants to be with forever.

    February, my visa was approved. March 16 he bought a ticket for me to come to USA. Then, two days after he bought my ticket, he deleted my pics in his facebook and saw him posting iloveyou's to a new girl from facebook. She is also a filipina but from the Philippines. The girl knew that my husband is married but she didn't mind. I can see how sweet they are because the girl's profile in facebook is public. I was humiliated. I felt disrespectful. I asked him why he's doing that, but he didn't give me clear answers. I cried every night. I don't know what to do. My flight is in three weeks. I talked to my mom in law and she said that I should still come, that I should not give up, that my husband will change once I get there. I don't know what to do anymore.

    After three weeks of thinking what to do, with the help of my in laws, I finally decided to just go and see the sitaution with my own eyes. I wanted to talk to him personally. So, after a couple of times him saying sorry to me because he said he can't leave that girl for me, take note he hasn't meet that girl yet, only in pictures and all of us even his siblings thinks that its a catfish. He said he doesn't want to work out the marriage anymore. I cried a lot, I was angry, I was mad, I pitied myself, I want to sue him, I don't know what to do. He still paid for my greencard, I am still living with them. Him sleeping in the living room, me in the bedroom. He said that the girl will go to Denver this June because he said she's a US citizen and he will meet her there for a couple of days. I want to stop him but I can't do anything. I want a divorce, I told him to just divorce me, I did not come to US to have this kind of life. I better go back to the Philippines, at least I am happy there.

    What should I do

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