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Posts posted by russkizhena

  1. So my Russian wife has been in the states for over a year and has her provisional green card. We recently travelled to Russia together to meet her folks and then I came back here to work while she stayed in Russia to take care of some real estate paperwork and generally chill with the family for another month. My question is this: Does she need any kind of paperwork or visa beyond her U.S. green card and her Russian Passport to get back to the United States with no issues? Slightly complicating the issue is that she took my last name so the names on the Passport and green card are slightly different (her maiden name is now her American middle name, so it should still be obvious what's going on). She also brought a copy of the marriage certificate just to link those documents just in case.

    so I have looked some things up and seem to understand that for U.S. customs, they won't give her any trouble entering with just the Green Card. so first of all, is that right? but the issue i can see being more problematic is the Russian side of things being annoyed that there's not a visa or something. I'm guessing she'll get through just fine, but just want to know if anyone has had experience with this kind of travel and if she can expect any hassles.

    Thanks in advance for any information

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