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Posts posted by poseddy

  1. I'm a bit over 2 years now... I know I am likely going to trigger a 10 year ban if I go back to Canada and try to re-enter... I know this question has likely been asked before but in my search I have been unable to find the information that I was looking for so best I post a few questions to some more knowledgeable members of the community here...

    I'm curious if I was to travel to Mexico via land then I would bypass US Customs and likely be able to enter Mexico just fine... Then if I flew back to Canada from Mexico, then Canada would see that I am entering from Mexico and not from the US... So my question as you may have guessed, is there ANY chance when I go to enter USA that I wouldn't be flagged as an overstay?

    The hope is that because I entered another country the US would not have record of me returning to Canada and not sure if they'd have record of me leaving US since I am Canadian or at least I am thinking it may not get recorded / flagged as easily. Canada would have record of me entering from Mexico not the US.

    If the answer is "I'm screwed no matter what I do" then the only other option short of breaking the law and sneaking back across is to get married and obtain a green card that way.

    I have a business being run/operated outside the USA that's done quite well the last while and I could financially afford to participate in an E-5 Investor Visa program. Since I am already in the US is this an option for me that I could potentially pursue?

    If I was to get married, my next question would be how long does the marriage need to last so that I do not lose my status? I'd hate to get married and go through 1-2 years and find out she's NOT the one and have a divorce ruin everything...

    Are there ANY other options that I could potentially consider which would save me from a 10 year bar?

    Thank you in advance for your help and insight to this... Hopefully the First option is at least a "it maybe could work out" as I am considering that route at the moment... Mainly just wanting to go back to visit my folks and spend some time with my family for a while, guess I'm a bit homesick... Anyways, I'll stop writing here...

    Last question... If I just decide to take the stupid 10 year bar and fly back via the states or drive back to Canada then are there ANY options that I could pursue that could lift the Ban or reduce the Ban? i.e. E-5 Investor Visa? Marriage (if a US girlfriend came to Canada and we got Married)? ANY options at all?

    And now the actual last one... Am I going to get in trouble if I go back? Harassed at the border? Held against my will at all? Loss of License or Health coverage? Or does life carry on as usual in Canada if I went back just with a 10 year Bar from US?

    Thanks again for your help!

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