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Posts posted by lilykouki

  1. FedEx... but you want my advice? Wait on sending your AOS package till the IV is PAID and send both AOS and DS-230 Packages off in the same time...

    I would love to do this, but I'm still waiting for my husband's military/police records to come in... I think I'm going to go ahead and mail today, since I've already dated it for today and made all the copies of my latest pay stubs, etc.

    Hopefully I will be ok... thanks for the info

  2. Hi everybody :)

    My wife had her interview in Amman, Jordan 2-2-09, and the interview went great, they only asked her 2 questions, how did u meet your husband? how did ur husband get his american citizenship?, then he told her congratulation! and you will have your visa within 5 days! she paid 5 JDs for Aramex and left the embassy, After 2 days she recieved her passport back with visa and file on 2-4-09 in the Aramex office in amman

    Its all over :) I am so happy, my wife will be here on 2-13-09

    Thank you all on this website, I used it throughout my journey!


    Woo Hoo! Congratulations!

  3. I can't find anything on the forums using a search... sorry if I'm not looking in the right place...

    It looks like I can use it according to the checks on the instruction sheet. If I do use this do I not need to include my employment letter, pay stubs for the last 6 months, etc (I have them anyway)...

    Anyone can advise???


  4. Gawd... what to do next?! :D I just called my husband and of course he is thrilled! He said it was a nice Christmas gift from the US government! I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself!

    One thing I have to do is call them though, because my husband's address in Canada has changed since we filed. I already called them about when he moved months ago and they said to wait until we got approval and then call. I HOPE they know what they are talking about!

    I wonder how long it will be until we finally get the green card?! Sorry... I'm babbling now!

    Good luck to all of you waiting for approval too!

  5. Read the article here...

    If I'm understanding correctly, the visa waiver is going away? Non citizens of countries formerly requiring a visa waiver will now have to register biological information 3 days before travel to the US, but then they won't have to register again for two years when they travel.

    What do you guys think about this? Have you heard about it? Looks like August it will be required!

  6. My husband had to move out of his apartment and into a new one since his landlord is selling her house. We have received our NOA-1 and I'm wondering, do I need to call and update this?

    I'm fretting about every little thing... wondering if I should be collecting other information. For some reason it seems that everyone reads the guides here and it makes perfect sense to them... I'm wondering if I need to be collecting military records, police certificates, etc....

    Can anyone shed some light my way?


    Since you have received your NOA-1, you already have a receipt number. So you can USCIS Online Change of Address feature from USCIS's website. Go here: https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?action=coa

    Read the Introduction section and you will see what information you need to do this change of address online. You can file AR-11 if you don't want to change address online. However, I would do it online because we all know how efficient they are dealing with papers.


    If I'm not mistaken, it looks as if the only address they are asking that I want to change, is MY address (the petitioner living here in the US). My husband is in Canada while we are filing for CR-1. Do they need his address change as well? :hehe:

  7. My husband had to move out of his apartment and into a new one since his landlord is selling her house. We have received our NOA-1 and I'm wondering, do I need to call and update this?

    I'm fretting about every little thing... wondering if I should be collecting other information. For some reason it seems that everyone reads the guides here and it makes perfect sense to them... I'm wondering if I need to be collecting military records, police certificates, etc....

    Can anyone shed some light my way?


  8. I do hope that all will be cleared up soon, and that you will find a clear diagnosis soon- cancer free.

    I know this must be so upsetting, but please try to stay as positive as possible, after all there is no cancer now so far, right? I'm not sure what a "cancer marker" is, but it sounds like its just questionable, right?

    That being said, I will say that I do have my husband on my medical insurance at work right now even though he is not living here now... I thought it would make sense since he does spend time here visiting until he gets his green card, and he doesn't have dental insurance in Canada so we are getting some work done for him now. There was nothing on any forms about pre-existing conditions that I filled out for him. Basically, he is my husband so he is going to be covered... Plus, you don't have cancer now if I'm understanding correctly (hopefully) and so it's not a pre-existing condition anyway I would think.

    I wish you the best... In my opinion, I would get your husband to cover you in the US since it will give you more options.

    All the best to you...

  9. On a subsequent note, I have noticed that some forums allege that even if your spouse is granted entry during the I-130 process, such trip would generate additional FBI name check (if it has already been done), which could delay the processing time at the consulate. Anybody has any thought or experience from that?

    I was under the same impression after reading many posts concerning this subject .... however, I've actually checked out the next set of paperwork for the NVC section and that's when your flights are taken into consideration ..... you have to list every flight you've every made to the US on one the forms ..... I'm actually having a nightmare with it as I've been travelling there for 30 years!!! :wacko:

    Plus, there is no where on any of the forms for you to list 'refused entry at POE' ..... it only tells you to list flight dates for where you have actually entered the U.S. .... and which visa you came in on.

    But, at least it shows that up until the NVC stage, you're quite safe as far as FBI checks and flights are concerned ..... too much scaremongering going on, and not enough factual evidence.

    My goodness how this process has us all wetting our pants for the slightest thing at times :pop:

    Can anyone direct me to where I can get this information of what you will have to list on subsequent paperwork? Listing all flights to US? Geez... that might be tough getting that info together... maybe all our old credit card statements... or stamps on his passport?

    It's on the DS-230 part1 form ..... question 25. "List dates of all previous visits or residence in the United States (if never, write never) Give type of visa status, if known ....."

    They give you 3 spaces for your visits :wacko: ..... it's a nightmare if you've been travelling there for many years.


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