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Posts posted by sfombin

  1. Being vindictive will cost you more pain than you are feeling... Your ououtburst portrays you as the guilty party... There's need to restrain yourself from further damage and redeem your relationship than focusing on her status. Immigrants are human beings and marriage dilemma should not always be tied to green card.

    I understand immigrants are humans and I am not trying to tie my marriage dilemma to green card. When things don't feel right, they simply don't. I cannot salvage this marriage when I now know she got married to me just to make it here. Isn't that considered fraud?

    You may not be getting along but you did marry her and bring her here. You can divorce her at any time, walk away from the mess and start again. It will leave you in a much better place than stewing over revenge. Look for a good divorce lawyer, depending on the laws in your state you may or may not have to split property with her. The longer you stay married the bigger her share grows.


  2. I filed i-130 and sponsored my spouse to the United States from Ghana. Ever since she arrived 14 months ago, we have had about two months of good time with no quarrels. 12 of the 14 months have been hell. I have over $170K in my 401K and decided to change my beneficiary because I do not want her to get the money in case anything happens to me; but she refused to sign the change of beneficiary form.

    When I send money to my family in Ghana, she is not too happy about it; but she works and send her money to her family without consulting with me. She does not support me in anyway. I invested about $40K for our wedding and to get her to the U.S. Now I am regretting I ever brought her here.

    Recently, I came across some searches she made on her phone. Just to name a few of those searches, she was googling the following: how do i know my boss is in love with me? how do i know when it's right to get a divorce?...

    I am beginning to feel she married me just to come to the U.S, use and dump me. Why would she refuse to sign the 401K change in beneficiary and do all the negative things she does?

    Her conditional green card expires in 10 months. I know I will nott assist her in removing the conditions. I want her to go back to Ghana before her card expires, without any possibility of coming back to the U.S. My question is how do I do that?

    If she is in Ghana at the time her card expires, she will not be able to remove the conditions by herself from there; but if she is here even after the card expires, she can still remove the condition.

    I want her and me to take a trip to Ghana, destroy her green card upon arrival and contact the US consulate not to grant her a visa to return to the U.S. Is this possible?

    I wish I had stayed single; better still married someone from the U.S.

    Thanks for your help.

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