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Posts posted by meowmeow123

  1. Its his bday yesterday and I was expecting he would want us to have few hours together on that special time. But I waited all day and no call at all. Thank you guys. I dont think would hire a private investigator haha! Either he wants me

    Or not. Right now, he's not even putting aside time to deal with the visa. I think he just doesnt have the balls to tell me the truth. Either way, i dont want to deal with anymore.

  2. Hi, i need advice.

    My bf and I are almost 2 years together now. He came here last feb to see me. We were sweet and good and romantic with each other. He came back to US and now, although we talk almost everyday and he calls me, its hard to reach him. Before his computer crashed so we can only talk by phone. Now he got a new smart phone and STILL its hard to reach him. He became so busy at work and when we skype, he seems uninterested with what I tell him. He seems uninterested talking about filing the visa when this has been his words, "our dream". He said he is too busy and tired from work to talk about it now. He calls me before I go to work almost everyday but it will only last few minutes unlike before where we spend hours talking. But it is ALWAYS him who calls me. Its always hard to reach his mobile. It is really confusing for me because he sends me financial help every month. He calls me all the time and tell me how much he loves me. But whenever we skype, its like his mind is somewhere else. He is no longer interested about what happens to my day and all the time talks about how tiring his job is. Everytime I mention the visa he seems like struggling to discuss it with me. Before I can always call him anytime of the day, anywhere. Now, its like this - he has FULL control of of when and how long we can talk, by mobile or skype. I don't know what to do. He seems no longer interested but then, why would he still support me financially? I'm really confused. I tried talking to him about this and he swears up and down that there is no one else and that he is just tired from work. I'm not sure myself now if we have to pursue the visa. I don't want to be with somebody not interested in me. I need advice. Long distance is hard enough and to go through this is on top of that... Should I break up with him or not? Need advice people. What would you do in this situation?

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