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Posts posted by JasminU

  1. I am new to this and just wanted some insight. My fiance was initially interviwed for his K1 Visa last year August. Prior to his interview he admitted to trying marijuana years ago during his medical exam. Nothing happened and his interview went well. In fact, his counsular said had he not had an assault offense on his record he would have been approved. She recommended we file a I-601 waiver to have the fist fight excused as it happened in his teenage years. That process took about a year as it was just approved this past August. The embassy said all he needed to do was renew his medical and come in to take the oath as another interview isn't required. We were so excited. He went to the medical exam and gave the same answer when asked about previous marijuana use. However, this time the sent him to a psychiatrist to determine whether or not he is an addict. The psychiatrist said the process will take about 6-8 weeks before the hospital contacts him to pick up his medical. Needless to say we are extremely nervous. Please let me know if anyone has gone through anything similar and if so the outcome. Thanks.

    My fiance received a 1 year ban in July for past drug use. You can look at my time line for details of our situation. But like Lioness stated everybody's situation is different.

    Yes we went through that process. We didn't have a good experience with the psychiatrist. After the psychiatrist got his report finished, they called my fiance to pick up the medical packet take it to DHL himself for delivery to the Kingston Embassy. Once the Embassy received it they called my fiance back for a 2nd interview and he received a one year ban for past use. They returned his passport to him at that time. (He also had a 2005 Ganja charge that they had given him a waiver form for)

    With the passing of the new law in JA, I didn't think they were sending people to psychiatrist visits anymore. I also didn't think they were giving one year bans anymore as the Embassy lifted my fiance's ban early. So I don't know, there is no set procedure in place....it's just luck of the draw or how much the IO likes you or not.

    I don't know...it seems that every case is handled differently...there's no set rules or guidelines as to what is done. Each IO determines what the outcome is. Some get bans, some don't. Some get sent to a psychiatrist, some don't. Some need waivers for charges, others are overlooked. I know the psychiatrist did not like my fiance. He made very inappropriate remarks and questions that had nothing to do with why my fiance was there. Others had good experiences with him.

    Hey, I'm curious. What law are you referring to?

  2. I just wanted to provide an update about the appointment with the psychologist and honestly I didn't have a good feeling but I have been praying on it since monday and i feel a little better. I was allowed to be in the room while he got questioned. The doctor asked about his background, schooling, mother father etc. ask questions relating to violence which he has no history of and then asked the drug questions such as when did he start why did he start when was the last time has he ever tried any other drug etc etc. He then explained how the process would work once he received the information from the medical examination. He stated that he goes down a checklist of about 5 pages and makes a recommendation based off of our meeting and the drug test results (i'm praying they are negative) and then sends it back over to the medical department then we pick it up and get it to the embassy. I'm going to pray on it and let go and let God. I say maybe by the end of July we should know for sure what the outcome is. (the psychologist is simply trying to figure out if he is dependent upon the weed and this assumption is formed from whatever story you tell them)

  3. No he only answered to yes to smoking weed in the past... I was browsing around vj and I seen other ppl say they had to go thru the pyschologist as well and they didnt get the ban. I guess it depends on your situation. Everybody's is different I know but once you answer yes to that question you have to see the pyschologist who I assume gives the final opinion about the ban.

  4. I should have lied if that is the case because if he stopped smoking way before the medical and his system is clear they wouldn't have known... I just pray this thing doesn't get put on hold for a year. I guess the next thing we need to worry about now is meeting with the psychologist on Monday since maybe he is the one who will decide. If the drug test is fine and he passes the exam with the pyschologist then we should be ok

  5. Hello,

    My fiance had his medical yesterday at Andrew Memorial in Kingston and on the documentation I noted that he was a smoker of ganga and cigarettes in the past. (I read on VJ not to lie about that on the paperwork) Besides the fact that we had to pay all of this money yesterday for vaccinations etc etc he now has to go see a psychologist on Monday. His interview is july 17th and they stated that the medical paperwork will not be ready by then but he should still attend the interview. Has anyone else experienced this issue because of being a smoker in the past? What was the outcome as far as getting the visa? Thanks for your help in advance.

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