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Posts posted by am_cmc

  1. Yes, I am also the petitioner. I have seen quite a few women who are active on these forums, and they are petitioners. You are not alone. Out only problem is that I will not be the main provider for our little family once we are in the States. My income is not enough to prove that I can support him, so I had to get my dad to fill out a support form as well to show that there will be sufficient income.

    Same here I will be needing a co sponsor I have my close cousin to be my sponsor then my fiance also has his uncle sponsoring him.

  2. ok but the thing is she hasnt work there yet. She came to the US when she was 14 her mom was US citizen thats why she became US citizen too then after 2yrs there she graduated high school then came back here in the philippines and stayed here with her grandparents that was simce 2005 then came back to the US last dec 2013 and stayed with her mom then came back here in the philippines again last feb 2015. So wpuld she be capable of petition me as her fiance of she hasnt work there at all?

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