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Posts posted by karlosb10

  1. Mr. TeddyHoney,

    I don't know if you are still on VJ or not but I would like to ask you how things worked out. My wife is also from the Philippines and has just tested positive for the skin TB test and they found abnormalities in her chest xray. She does not have any symptoms so we still don't know if it is a false positive or Latent TB. Either way, we just had our Green card interview with the USCIS and have 76 days left to provide all the paperwork for her Green card. She is here on a K1 Visa. I'm just wondering what happened in your case. Do you know that if my wife has Latent TB if they will let here stay here while she undergoes treatment or will she have to leave and come back after she has completed the treatment?

    Thank you

  2. I'm happy to say that my fiance is on her way in a couple of weeks. When she gets here she will immediately apply for her SSN which I'm assuming will be with her current name. Then after we get married in a couple more weeks and her name changes to my last name. Is it then that we submit some kind of amendment for her SS card? What documents will we need to supply for that, a marriage certificate? Also, should we wait until after that to apply for her drivers license so that her new name will be on that? Thanks

  3. My fiance will be arriving in a couple of months on her K1 Fiance visa so we need to get married within 3 months of her getting here. When I look up getting a marriage license it says that she will need a government issued ID. Does this mean the US government or can she apply for a marriage license with her Philippine passport? We want to get married asap after she get here but don't know if we need to get her a California ID first.

  4. No there is no such requirement.

    I am curious though that you state that your wife has been approved and is applying for her visa. This statement concerns me. Who pre-approved her? Where are you in the process?

    Thanks. No need to be concerned though, my fiance was approved by the USCIS and now is getting the medical before the interview in her country.

  5. I don't know what your circumstances are and I don't want to get your hopes up but my fiance was just approved from the Philippines in 5 weeks! I couldn't believe it. I made a good case though with the help of VisaJourney and a book called Fiance and Marriage Visas, a Couples Guide to US Immigration by Nolo. It helped a lot. You might find some answers to your other questions there too. Good luck!

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