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Posts posted by FutureMrs

  1. I would have thought if someone has never passed a driving exam in their home country, then yes, they would definitely need to pass the exams in the US before being allowed to drive alone. Laws aside, would you want to share the freeway with someone who has no idea how to operate a car and has no instructor or friend/relative to teach them?

    Maybe my question did not come across rightly.

    He's taking lessons in the UK. My question was about does he need to take lessons in the US also.

  2. Hello. I'm in Missouri, my fiance in England. Our wedding will be September 30th.

    And then we start the filing process.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    It looks like OPTION 1 CR-1 / I-R1 Spouse Visa and I-30 Petition Guide is what we are to do.

    I do not have an income (Disabled, bedridden, SSDI has not come through yet), so we have a joint sponsor who meets the income level necessary (by double, so no problem there... he is also my fiance's best man and a pastor friend).


    1. Did anyone opt for the G-1145, and if so, the benefits of doing so, or if not, why not?

    2. The cover letter. Does anyone have an example I can look at?

    3. The passport type photo. It says that there are specifications, but when I click on the hyperlink, it shows a 404 error message. Can someone lead me to what the specifications are? And where to get these photos when he comes to America September 28 - October 10?

    4. Evidence of a bonafide marriage. All we have under that list is a rental agreement. We are opting no joined bank account due to Social Security wait with the SSDI case for now. Should I also include sworn affidavits? If so, how many? And how is it done... just a letter or does it have to be notarized? Anyone have examples?

    5. We have evidence that we have an ongoing relationship. Many, many pictures, emails from his parents, receipts of us going to dinner, his paying my internet bill, cards of congratulations on our engagement, money given to us for the wedding, emails of RSVP for the wedding, pictures of the actual engagement dinner, tons of Facebook notes to each other on open Facebook, and in private messages, lots of Skype stop where we talk anywhere from three hours to five hours a day since last year, lots of photos of me getting ready for the wedding trying on my dress, veil, etc. pictures of him here in America with my son, even video. Do I send any of that in and if so, what should I send and how much?

    Don't want to inundate them. I also have a scrapbook put together But sending an entire scrapbook to them seems like a lot of information.

    I'm going to try to make this my one thread to go back to in order to see any help I can get along the way and see progression.

    Thanks for any help!

  3. Thanks for all of this information.

    Because I feel this is (or may be) a weird case, we were going to go with an attorney. Can I get your thoughts on this?

    I am disabled, yet I am still awaiting SSDI. I am, for the most part, bedridden. About 75% of every day is in bed.

    Because the judge is a hard judge, even though I have MANY doctors who have filled out narratives for the judge saying no way can I work, the judge STILL is denying me. Honestly, it's criminal, in our and many people's opinions. I have zero income because of this. The state if Missouri considers me disabled and I have a full time state run caregiver to make my food, grocery shop, even help me to the bathroom if needed.

    Well, that's all fine and dandy, and I am ever grateful I finally got the STATE to agree I am disabled, however, FEDERAL is a whole 'nother ball of wax.

    Two separate entities. State disabled allows for:

    *** Full time caregiver

    *** Medicaid

    *** Food Stamps

    *** No monies because they ship me off to Federal, so that leaves a person like me who worked VERY hard at work for years nearly homeless

    Furthermore, the Disability, Federal SSDI, lawyer said a few weeks ago that the judge is STILL not satisfied even after all the doctors, 2 State doctors, that I am State Disabled, and was even put through a hearing with the judge for 59 minutes of questioning, that even though we have gone through the entire process and all the way to hearing, the judge wants ANOTHER hearing where he questions the latest doctorn. This is like unheard of. I know because usually was on SSDI for 10 years, so I know the process well. Okay, lawyer says it may take ANOTHER year for the next hearing. *you practically have to be in your coffin to get SSDI nowadays*

    So here goes.... since this is all happening, I have no viable income anymore. None. Zero. Zip.

    I have to have a joint sponsor.

    Okay, but... Will they frown on my submission for my husband to come over (when I file in October) because I receive food stamps, have no income, am I'll, and still awaiting the judge to approve my SSDI case?

    Again, I do NOT receive welfare money because the State considers me disabled. I don't qualify for welfare money (I think that's what it's called), but I do get food stamps so at least I'm not starving. Yeah for not starving lol

    (No, I do not have family to help if that is going to be a question... I have had to live off the generosity if friends to keep me from homelessness while we await SSDI)

    Will my receiving State aid hinder my filing for my husband once we are married?

  4. The wedding is planned for September 30. His ticket is bought. But, he is on an ESTA. Well, we watched a video from a lawyer that our friend used for him and his wife during their journey They went through the fiance visa, though, not spousal.

    We realize Martin has to say that his intentions about coming to America on his ESTA visa is that he is coming to visit his fiancé, his friends, and then go back on October 10 to England. We know the documentation he needs: the ticket back for the 10th, his slip from his employer saying what day he is expected back to work, the day before he leaves England of his bank statement, etc. But, how often do the border patrol agents tell folks they can't come in on the ESTA visa said to get married and make them go back and not even come into America?

    Also, since we are probably going to get a lawyer (I have a joint sponso and want all my ducks in a row), does anyone have any ideas of which lawyer to use? And your stories about what lawyer you used / are using and how he/she helped?

  5. Does my joint sponsor fill in his current income as net or gross?

    And since he makes $15 per hour at his hours are always fluctuating, like one week he will work 40 hours per week in the next week might be 55 hour and sometimes it's like 12 hour days! Well, I'm not sure what he is supposed to put since it's not consistent.

    And when he fills out the paperwork, he gives it to me to put in the packet altogether, right?

    Does his tax return need to show the 125% over poverty line or does that matter since it was last year? His wife will fill out the I864a form and they filed taxes together, so it should be at the 125% over, but I'm not sure.

  6. You have been extremely helpful! A few more questions? Thank you

    Okay, I have been married not just wants before. I know I have to show my previous divorce decree from my most recent marriage. That's a given. But do I also have to show from the marriages prior to that? They divorced me and I do not live in the state they live in anymore. One divorced me in Ohio and married his "sweetheart" from high school. I'm sure I have those papers somewhere, but where? I don't know. Do I need to have every divorce paper from previous marriages or just the most recent divorce?

    Because my main joint sponsor, the husband, is going to get a raise soon and quite substantially, how does he put down how much he makes currently? For instance, right now he is making $15 per hour. In another couple months, he's going to be making $18 to $20 per hour. We won't file until October and his raise will start before then. I think. But, since he is not salaried Sometimes he works 50 hours in four days Sometimes he works 40 to 60 hours in one week. How does he put down exactly how much he is currently making because it fluctuates?

  7. Ok, thank you.

    They make enough together to meet the 125% minimum.

    No assets necessary so they don't have to put them down, right? They own a house, a second and third car, etc. but they don't have to put them down if they meet the 125% from what I understand.

    It is a husband, wife, and for children. So, on the 125% minimum, that shows as $45,912. They definitely make that per year.

    Husband would be the main joint sponsor and the wife would fill out the I- 864A.

    I know you said before that they don't need to show three years back in taxes, but when I went to the form shows three years back. Are you absolutely sure only one year back in taxes needs to be shown?

    Also, do they have to show $45,912 for 2014 taxes? Or is that only current? What if their taxes show that they only made $30,000 last year? Is the government just looking to see that they actually worked last year or for the 45,912 last year also?

  8. Very quick question and then I will respond to everything else...

    Joe makes $5,000 less than the 125%.

    Mary makes also $5,000 less than the 125%.

    I'm in the Visa Journey Facebook group and was told Joe and Mary have to have the 125% each ???

    What I was told tonight:

    "your sponsor has to meet the 125% income requirement all on their own - it can't be combined with anyone else' income."

    Also told,

    "The sponsor has to show they meet the income criteria for his family and the person who is being sponsored. If he and his wife file tax returns together, she'll be included in the family count. There is no way around this."

  9. This is fantastic news that both Joe and Mary can include both of their incomes to meet the minimum! That's exactly the position I think I am in.

    One person told me that assets have to be used I kept saying that no, the paperwork shows that for a joint sponsor, assets do not have to be included. They can, but not have to.

    I'm still a little unsure of how much more the joint sponsor has to do. I know they both fill out the I 864 form, (well, the main sponsor the I-864 and then the husband that I-864a), send in a photo of themselves, three year's of tax returns, but after that, is there anything else they have to fill out later on down the road?

    Because I don't live next to Joe and Mary, and they are in another state, is that problematic?

    Because these are friends of mine and not family members, is that a problem at all?

    Oh also, let's say Mary's income does not the entire 125% of poverty line and so Joe has to show his also. Okay, the other problem with Mary is that she doesn't have three years of tax returns. She has only two years. Why? Because one of the years she didn't work. She was laid off at her job because of a mass layoff. So, she collected unemployment for a time. If there's not three years back of taxes that's a problem, right? Because she was not employed.

    Same with Joe. When he fills out that I864A, he and Mary had to move and during that time there was unemployment for him for a little bit because he was getting his family established in another state and so the three year's tax returns don't reflect all three years at one job. It shows two and half years of work and six months of unemployment because of the move.

    Do all of the tax returns have to show the minimum income amount or is it only current income? Like let's say on the tax returns, neither one of them add up together as the 125% but are low of about $3000 on the tax returns. Or is the government only looking that they were actually employed?

    Thank you so much! I have to get all of these answers to my possible joint sponsor very soon.

  10. Also, does anyone know if it helps more to have two sponsors?

    In other words, if I have two friends who would like to sponsor my husband, would it look better to have that?

    I do thank you all for your answers It's hard to understand the joint sponsor stuff. I pretty much have most of the other things down. It's just that the joint sponsor stuff is new to me. It wasn't even on the table to be talked about in the first place. Now it's a necessity.

  11. I was reading the I864 form and it said something about if the joint sponsor using another person within their household Their income, too. Can a joint sponsor do that?

    For instance, let's say Mary and Joe live together and Mary wanted to sponsor my husband (I mean after we are married), but Mary doesn't meet the income requirement completely She is lacking $2,000 per year income. Could her husband, Joe, be included on the income part to meet it?

  12. I was going to sponsor my boyfriend (will be engaged in just under two weeks! So excited!). Well, we will be married September 30, so we are going for the spousal visa. Anyway, it looks like I need a joint sponsor.

    Because this is new news to me that I will need one, because I don't have enough assets and whatnot, will you all help me figure out what to tell the prospective sponsor? He is a very, very good friend and wants to know all of the risks, what paperwork to fill out, what to expect, etc.

    Thank you.

    Crying my eyes out tonight wondering if it's all going to happen He is in England right now sleeping and I am in America wide awake

  13. My boyfriend got an ESTA visa and is in England. He is flying out here on June 1. I am having to move next week (May 26) which makes his ESTA show the wrong address now. I am only moving five minutes away, but since the paperwork shows one address and I will be living at a different address, what does he do?

    What he has done so far is gone to the website to try to change the address. In one area on the site, it allowed him to change it to my new address. The second area where my address is will not allow for the change, so now it looks like there is a conflict on the website.

    He is very scared right now because he has to show the ESTA visa and yet it's not true. Well, right now it's true because I haven't had to move. But, by the time he flies here in 13 days, I will be at a different address a few miles away.

    Thanks for any help! I really appreciate all of you here.

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