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Posts posted by wylde_sykes87

  1. My fiancee is currently in Manila awaiting her visa interview on the 19th.She will be completing her medical however she is worried because she has a cough right now. Is this something for her to be concerned about? Should the medical and interview be postponed due to a risk of a 6 month delay?

  2. My fiancee will be traveling to manila on the 11th for her medical and interview, and I am about to ship her the documents she will need. However, I have not received the letter from the nvc yet that she needs for the medical, I have heard of some people not even receiving this letter before their interview takes place. My question is, if I receive it before her medical, can I just scan and email her the letter, or is the letter even truly necessary? And are there other options? Is the having the MNL# okay?

  3. Hello, I have a question. I am currently waiting on my Filipina's visa process to finish, and we have been talking about our wedding plans for when she is here in America, we are hoping to be able to have our wedding in November or December. The thing is, she wants to have her mother attend the wedding. Is there going to be another process for getting her mother here from the Philippines, and if there is, what would be the easiest and most cost efficient way?

  4. Thanks for the reply, but I'm just confused about the pay stub part. I still need to go through drug screening and the physical, and I won't start my new job for almost a month from now. So am I getting pays tubs from my current job, or do I wait until I'm hired and I receive 3 pays tubs from my new job? I am trying to work this out so I don't have any delays in this process, since I just received the NOA2.

  5. Hello, I need some advice. I will be changing carreers right before I start my affidavit of support. Right now my income is sufficient enough to meet the requirements to get my fiancee here, and I am changing companies to a salary that is a little bit more than what I make now. My concern is, since I am just starting with my new company, will this cause any issues in getting my fiancee approved when it comes time for her interview? If it will, should I use a co-sponsor? Thanks

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