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Posts posted by RRaskolnikov

  1. Hello everyone! I am a new member and this is my very first topic. Hopefully I’ll do fine J I got engaged to my fiancé in May 2014 and we applied for K1 visa right away in June 2014. It has been 10 months and the only answer we ever got back is that the case is on hold due to security checks. The normal time for that office is 5 months and my fiance and I are seriously beginning to get worried. But I do have an idea of why this might be happening and maybe I should have started with that. I was married once already. My former wife was also a foreigner from the same country as my current fiancé and she got a green card through me. Everything was pretty easy since she was already in the states when we met. Our marriage did not work out and officially we got divorced in March 2014, but have been separated since the summer of 2012. In the mean time I fell in love with a childhood friend (my fiancé) and I have been visiting her many times to be with her. After I realized she is the love of my life, I decided to propose to her and promised her that I will never leave her again until she is allowed to enter The United States with me. So I abandoned my home and since then (1 year), have been living with her in my native country. I know I should have divorced my ex-wife much earlier, but I had so many other problems and priorities at that time, that I guess I got carried away. I really regret that part of my past now, but whatever was done is over and my main concern now is how long it will take to bring my wife to the states, so we can get married. I know that security checks are standard, but this is taking much longer than anticipated and like I mentioned, we are seriously worried. Do you think that my previous marriage is the reason for this delay? How long do these security checks take? Is there anything thing that we can do or do we just wait? Please share your opinions, experience, knowledge, suggestions, even your judgments and criticism…I wont mind J Thank you in advance!

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