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Posts posted by YV15

  1. I have updated all of you... good work people. :D

    FYI from personal experience don't rely only on the 3 NAs because that updated 20 hrs later. If you do call to confirm your CC make sure you ask WHEN it was reviewed/completed.

    I assume there is no way it can be updated over the weekend so I guess I am left alone...all other 03/24 SD have gotten CC except me :crying: - Congratulations to all of you, hope for some good news by Tuesday, when I call them again.

  2. Hey everyone! Excited to be a part of this highly-recommended community.

    I am American with an Israeli fiancee who is soon to be my wife :-). We have been together for 3.5 years while I've been in Israel for medical school, and now that I'm going back we have a one-year delay while she's finishing her degree and we do the green card process.

    We want to get all of our USCIS-stage paperwork together so that the moment we receive our marriage certificate, we can get it translated and send the package right in. I have the following questions that I hope you can answer!

    1. For the USCIS-stage paperwork, how much material should we send in to prove the bonafide marriage? We have a 4-month lease together, have traveled to 2 countries (not counting all of the travel within Israel), and will have all of the marriage stuff (invitations, pictures, video, etc) by the time the marriage certificate arrives. How much should we stuff in this USCIS envelope vs. how much should we keep for the NVC stage interview?

    2. For the addresses in the G325a, should I (American petitioner) include all of the addresses I've lived, despite keeping my permanent address and citizenship in Massachusetts, USA? I have lived in 3 different addresses in Israel and have moved home twice during the past 4 years, once for 3 months for summer break and the other for 7 months while I did rotations and interviews all around the northeast.

    ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! I feel like I have a general idea of the timeline but want to make sure I don't screw anything up. I don't think we need to hire a lawyer, but the other classmates of mine who are marrying Israelis did so out of fear and not knowing about this wonderful website.


    Hi Evan,

    My husband and I are completing the same process from Israel (at NVC waiting for case complete). if you would like I think I can help with lots of information and tips, you are welcome to contact me via private message (I assume there is a private message...) and I will send you my telephone number!

    Good luck

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