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Posts posted by Rev.Austin

  1. Thanks for the replies, folks. I know it's common sense that I should take everything I can to my interview I just wondered if anyone managed without supporting evidence if circumstances dictated that they weren't able to get them in time.

    Dee elle - I've not got an interview date yet, which is why I'm not quite panicking ;) how long after sending everything to the NVC did you have to wait to hear when your interview at Sydney was scheduled for? Is a photo of the W2 acceptable? I guess it must be as long as the info on it is clear...

    I got the request for a W2 two weeks ago, along with a request for new Australia and UK police checks (I have dual nationality) - I sent these to the NVC last week, so I'm hopeful I'll hear back from them soon (I initially sent everything to them on June 3rd).

  2. Hello, folks.

    I recently received an email from the NVC saying they'd schedule my interview but to bring a copy of my wife's most recent W2 with me. Don't ask me why, but she's having a devil of a time getting this to me and, although I'm not panicking (yet), I've been wondering if anyone's received a visa despite not having a piece of supporting evidence, when the main evidence (in this case the I-864EZ and a recent tax transcript) show that the sponsor easily surpasses the 125% limit thingy.

    edit: the form we sent is labelled a tax return - is there any difference between that and a transcript? I asked for this specifically off my wife but she sent a return...

  3. Hey folks.

    I tried eyeballing the stats on here but I can't quite make sense of them, so forgive me if this is already answered by other means.

    I finally got all the forms needed to apply for an IR-1 interview in Sydney, Australia (I'm headed to Texas), and sent them to the NVC on Fri 3rd June (so only a few days ago). I'm a little paranoid because I've had a few issues with emails I've apparently sent not being received (by other people) so I just wondered what the current response time is (to notify me they've received my email - I see the NVC site currently states 30 days to process things).

    I've got my fingers crossed it won't be ages, because everything else with the NVC thus far has been much quicker than they claim - although it's taken a couple of months longer than it should have to get to this point (waiting for my wife to get all the forms) so maybe the NVC are now super busy...? We started the whole process in earnest on 25th September last year and I haven't seen my missus since the end of October, so I'm really, really hoping this home stretch rockets past!

    Any info is much appreciated!

  4. Hi folks, just a couple of things I've been wondering about the I-864EZ form and sending copies of docs through email.

    1. On the I-864EZ form, I'm confused by Part 5, questions 6a - 6c. We're sending my wife's most recent tax return, so do we still need these numbers from the previous years? (She is over the 125% threshold to support me with her current job, as noted on the recent tax return). It seems like "No, ignore it" but I don't want to risk delaying our case if they turn around and say "You should have filled these questions in"

    2. Is there a preferred manner in which to email documents to the NVC? Eg. as pdfs or jpgs? With a copy of the Cover Sheet scanned too...? Or does it not matter, as long as the copies are legible and not massive?

    And lastly, do you receive a notification that the NVC have received emailed documents, and is there a general timeline for this eg within a few days?

    I hope these aren't daft questions - we've finally reached the penultimate stage and I'm super anxious about making sure everything's shipshape!

  5. Hello again folks. If I could commendeer this thread, I'd like to ask if the supporting relationship evidence (eg boarding passes, that sort of physical document) needs to be the original, or can it be submitted as a photocopy/colour scan? I'm assuming that sort of thing wouldn't be returned if it's sent off as the first part of the process...?

  6. Um, I understand the I-864 is for financial AOS, I'm tallking about the additional documents required for an IR-1, for which there is clearly no space on the I-864. Ahem:

    Evidence of a bonafide marriage. This can be any of these:

    • A lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence

    • Documentation showing co-mingling of financial resources

    • Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationship.

    (Each affidavit must contain the full name and address, date and place of birth of the person making the affidavit, his or her relationship to you, if any, and complete information and details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge of the marriage)

    • Any other relevant documentation to establish that there is an ongoing marital union.

  7. Hi folks,

    I know they're listed as needing

    "full name and address, date and place of birth of the person making the affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner of beneficiary, if any, and complete information and details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge of your marriage"

    so I should clarify that, do they need to be presented in a particular way/structure? Or can a person simply write all this info in a letter format, addressed to 'who it may concern'? Also, are they supposed to be any particular length ie no longer than a side of A4? And finally, can AOS incorporate photographs eg of the wedding, or is this the sort of thing that's (best?) left for the interview stage?

    This is probably really obvious, but my partner and I are set to (hopefully) send everything off by the end of May, so I'm double/triple checking all info related to a IR-1/CR-1 :)


  8. Hi folks, thanks for your replies! I didn't think it would be a problem, but thought it best to double check with those of you who've actually experienced the process :)

    Suki - yep, I have both passports, but I intend to use the Australian one for the whole process since I've left the UK for good :) and is the 12-14 month wait between getting the forms processed and getting an interview in Oz? Because that's bananas! :o

  9. Hi folks,

    I have dual nationality with the UK and Australia, and I'm marrying my American fiancée this May (in America) - at which point we'll start the Green Card process. I've recently moved back to Australia and currently live in Brisbane. I was wondering if my dual nationality might cause hiccups or delays? Specifically, on the i-130 form it'll have my birthplace/country as UK but my contact address as Australia.

    Also, when it comes to the interview stage, any idea where I'll have to go for it? I've seen mention of Sydney...?

    I've had an eyeball around the site and it doesn't look like anyone's mentioned this sort of thing before, but apologies if I've missed it and this has already been covered/answered :)

    Thanks in advance for any help!

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