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Posts posted by Cheeryone

  1. Within the bounds of the existing framework of laws, that's true. However that can lead people to think that expanding marriage to include other civil unions that exist outside of that framework - like legitimising polygamy and what not.

    Marriage is a legal contract between TWO people. Not between three, four, a thousand... It is also not between a person and an animal. That is such a tired excuse it is sad.

  2. Indeed today, a lot more folks are tolerant of same sex anything and when contrasted to 50 years ago, the perceptions have changed a lot. Still, there are more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) different denominations that claim to be Christian. Are they all right? All wrong? Some right, some wrong? The laws of America provide for the freedom of folks to practice their religion and beliefs and to be free of government persecution. These laws do not provide a free ticket to berate or harm anyone who self identifies as being a same sex person. The oppression you think is happening, is NOT happening. You can bet your sweet bippy that anyone who loses their job, or is discriminated against for being gay, would be page one in the NYT, headline on CNN, and MSNBC. Where are all those stories? With so many folksbitching about being oppressed on the basis of their sexual orientation, the stories of acceptance and tolerance are ignored.

    The stories about homophobia that make news are not about losing jobs, they are about being beaten up or assaulted for being LBGT. Now why don't you take your 1950's mindset and go read up on the Constitution. Especially the first Amendment, it might blow your mind.

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