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Posts posted by NAAW*

  1. yes his family member is sponsoring me. He will have parole in a few years, and if im there and have a home set up it will increase our chances.

    yes it is a challenge, but being apart is more.

    we need to do things right. I cant be stopped at boarder and not be able to enter US for some dum reason we missed. If i cant get in and he cant get out it will be a very sad day

  2. Ok i understand that. Im just worried if i come on visiting visa with intend to marry - which needs to be well planned and booked ahead, and it will be filed as there is no way around that, we can not just say oh lets get married, oh it just happened, unfortunately for us to get married it has to all be pre approved. The only reason to leave is because I cant work on visiting or K1, I dont want to return here but financially I might have to. So you saying it harder to get back into US if I leave after the marriage? I should just stay and hope I can find a job even though I legally cant work.

  3. No i have been informed, travelling on a visiting visa with intent to marry is fraud, even if i did do this i can not stay without income (working) while i wait for AOS to be approved which could take months. But what i was wanting to know is if I come back to my country and wait, would it take longer, can i even do that while AOS is in process and then when i go back will i be able to work straight away ?

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