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Posts posted by aspiringlawyer

  1. Hi,

    I'm also a law graduate from the Philippines. I have not taken the Bar. Currently based in the UAE as a legal consultant. I would like to take the NY Bar. Have you received any confirmation from the NY Bar committee that you are allowed to take the Bar with an LLB degree without being a lawyer? I would greatly appreciate a kind response. I have been searching answers re this matter and have also written to the NY bar but have not received their response yet.

    I hope to hear from you. Thank you and Good luck!

    Hi cheenee!

    Yes, we are allowed to take the NY bar with an llb degree without being a lawyer in the Philippines. However, we have to complete an online Foreign Evaluation Form. I already signed up for the evaluation though I still have to submit my documents.

    You can look at this for more info: http://www.nybarexam.org/Foreign/ForeignLegalEducation.htm

    Goodluck to you too :)

    You can only work limited hours on campus with permission. It's unlikely that you will find an on campus job at most law schools.

    If you want to go to school here, you have to have $40,000 for tuition for an LLM.

    Thank you.

  2. Hello,

    I am a law graduate from the Philippines. I intend to take the New York Bar Exam next year (July 2015).Can you kindly advise as to what type of visa is needed for me to take the bar exam?

    Is it possible to apply for work in New York City while waiting for the New York Bar Exam? Is it easier to apply for work (i.e. paralegal/legal assistant/legal secretary) online or there in the US?

    Hoping for your response!

    Thank you

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