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Posts posted by analog12

  1. My fiancée and I found out that she's pregnant this early month and decided to do the CRBA. We plan on getting married in February so that my wife can add me as the father of our baby in Japan. We are also expecting our baby in September. My question is, when is the right time to apply for CRBA for our child when applying for CR-1? Because I heard we have to do our CRBA as soon as possible, but when exactly is too late? I want to make sure that both my baby and fiancée will enter the U.S. together. For CR-1, I plan to do it quickly once I return home to the U.S. so in March. Please give me some advice.

  2. My fiancée and I are getting married this February in Japan and we are expecting a baby in September. Our plan is to have the child born in Japan first. My medical insurance covers overseas so I need her social security number to add her. So my insurance will cover the pregnancy overseas. My question is, is it possible for my fiancée to apply for social security number while overseas?

  3. If the baby will be born in the US then he/she will be a born US citizen -- no need to sign a form. If the baby is born abroad, you can file a CRBA (consular report of birth abroad) and the baby will obtain US citizenship from you.

    Yes, you can add her to your medical insurance even if she's not a US citizen although you may need to wait for her to become a permanent resident (i.e. received a conditional green card). It would be best to contact your provider to see what the eligibility requirements are.

    It depends on what the doctor says, every pregnancy is different and some have specific complications. It's best to talk to her doctor to find out what they recommend. Some airlines also have limitations on letting pregnant women fly (as in, depending on how far along they are) -- so it would be best to research that as well.

    Best of luck!

    Thank you so much and the rest of you guys!

    I'm concerned that she won't get her green card in time to add her to my medical insurance. Is there any way to add so insurance can cover the labor and delivery. Our concerns is the cost because definitely we want our baby to be healthy.

  4. I have found out returning back to my country that my fiancée is pregnant. I'm wondering how can our unborn baby become a U.S. Citizen. We plan on having the labor and delivery in the U.S. Will there need to be a form we have to sign? Also, if we do get married in time can she be added to a medical insurance even though she is not a U.S. Citizen? Considering that she's pregnant, when is the safest time for her to go to the U.S. All this is happening so fast and considering that I'm graduating this fall. Even so, I'm happy for us so please no negative comments.

  5. Okay, this is a bit complicating, but I'll try to make this clear as possible. First, my fiancée and I have applied for K-1 visa and we already approved of doing an interview. Because I'm a student, we decided to get married now and apply for CR-1 next year since i'm graduating next year. So my question is… after we get married (while she is here on tourist visa) safe to return back home and apply for CR-1 although we are under K-1 process? If it's possible to get married and apply for CR-1, we are okay to cancel our K-1 application. Please be polite

  6. I don't know why so many people see this as a "huge red flag." She wants him to get started. Very easy to understand that. Everyone here complains that the process takes too long. Can a beneficiary not also want to hurry up to be with her future husband? He said in his first sentence he was nervous about sending the petition. If I was the fiancee I might see THAT as a "huge red flag." Maybe we would do better to just answer the questions asked rather than judge people and give unsolicited relationship advice. There is way too much of that on here.

    Thank you for understanding. As I see people saying negative things here, it hurts to see what people think of us. You don't know our relationship, so don't lecture. What Jmalaysia has said please don't judge people. All I wanted is a answer to my question.

    Thank you

  7. Under "Other specify" on the G-325a form, my fiancee typed in "For Spousal" instead of K-1 Fiancee. Can I write in in pen for her? Is this a huge mistake on the form that I'm going to receive an RFE? If there is any errors like this can I add "See Attachment" on a sticky note. This is the second time for her to send her copy of the g-325a to me.. It's a hassle since we already have all the evidence and forms done.

  8. First, my fiancé and I done most of our contact through a chat application and when I do download the chat history from the app it comes out in a word-log. Will that be enough for some evidence?

    Second, I threw away my boarding passes before knowing that it will be asking my fiancé to marry her. On the other hand, I do have itineraries saved in my email and hers. I could also ask my fiancé for her passport stamp to show enough evidence on her side. Will it be sufficient?

    Lastly, We only have a few pictures of us together on her last day going back to Japan. Three pictures were all in San Francisco. Will it be enough?

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