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Posts posted by jamart2005

  1. If a US citizen would petition her full sibling(same mother and father in the birth certificate)... would there be an issue if the birth certificates seems to indicate the mother and father are married but legally they dont have a marriage certificate... the reason they are not married is because the father has a previous marriage that not legally anulled...so in my mind, I think the birth certificate is somehow flawed but I could be wrong..


    based on what I read so far it looks like we should not have an issue but curious if they would check if the details of the birth certificate is 100% accurate?.. and if they do find out inaccuracies, is it possible to affect the petition?... and if there is anything we can do proactively about it if any... 

  2. Getting info pass before was not possible due to work so we settled to just sending a letter...

    We got the greencard!... And its on the correct name... What a relief...

    We didnt know if the letter helped at all cause we didnt get response from it.. Or if just someone saw what the IO did and corrected it... Either way.. Atleast we are ok now...

    Thanks to all those you give there thoughts on the matter... :)

  3. Just to update you guys, last friday.. We called uscis and explained what happened to us... Since right now the case is still pending approval... They said to right a letter to them that says we wanted to correct the name and sent with all proper supporting documents.. So we sent that.. We now waiting what would happen...

    In case they didnt correct it in time, we might need to file form I90 To request the correction to be made... Which would add months again... Sigh.. I just hope someone reviews our file before approving and catch this error... Its hard to keep arguing with the IO at the interview...

  4. And now looking at our marriage license application, the instructions don't allow changing the firstname...only the middle and lastnames. So when we got married, my wife could not move her maiden_middlename to her firstname if she wanted to:

    "Note: Parties to the marriage may not change their first name on the marriage license."

    Yes... This is exactly the same way we understand it.... My best guess at what the IO could be thinking is, he might think the maiden middle name of my wife was like the middle name here in america which is basically a given name which we cant change by marriage.. But then, it doesnt make sense he keeps referring to the culture in Philippines and saying that its what we do... So he should know its a mothers last name and not a second given name..

    Umka and tahoma...

    Changing middle name and last name is allowed in California... As what rnab also pointed out.. So it should not be a state restriction.. I still believe its just a misunderstanding... Hopefully we can corret or get clarification from them

  5. I understand that, in some culture its just a second firstname... But its totally not the case for us if he really want to handle it "culture" base....

    we didnt hypenate the last names... Thats why the maiden middlename is dropped

    Our middlename, culturewise.. Its our mothers lastname... That is why it sounds so ridiculous to us that IO wants to make her mother's last name as part of her given name...

  6. We just went on AOS interview.. And when he reviews our documents he said we entered my wife's name incorrectly...

    When we got married, we changed her name from

    firstname maiden_middlename maiden_lastname


    Firstname maiden_lastname married_lastname

    So basically her old middlename got dropped, then her maiden last name becomes middle name then my last name becomes her as well..

    but the IO says thats wrong, he said my wifes first name should be her firstname plus her old maiden_middlename... Then her middlename can be her maiden_lastname then she can take my lastname as her lastname

    This worries me to no end cause we wont have a bridge document to that new name the IO made us take... I was asking the IO if cant we just drop the old maiden middlename but he insist that for Filipinos we should have the name like that cause its our culture... Afaik, its not our culture making middle name part of firstname when getting married... And its weird that uscis would handle different persons name based on culture...

    Any advise if this is really normal?.. Or if we should take steps about it?...

    Btw.. This name change would mean her greencard wont match passport and other documents she would have in the Philippines...

  7. My Fiancee would be coming to the US this October.. Planning to get health insurance for her after we get married and I read here that we should be qualified to get assistance thru ACA.. My concern however is if that benefit would be taken against our AOS application?... I want to know a good source that officially says that ACA is not a means tested benefit and won't be taken against our AOS application... Thanks in advance!..

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