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Posts posted by nirabhi

  1. so every time i read a consulate review for montreal my paranoia decides to kick in before my interview...

    - I have some pictures from when my husband visited me he basically comes every 4-6 weeks

    - our india trip together for his younger brothers wedding- and the boarding passes included for that

    -a whole 90 page Skype log call we speak pretty much everyday

    - And an old navy receipt of when I bought him a t-shirt as a gift

    - a receipt for when he bought me some relationship coupons and a customised mug.

    is this enough evidence to show the legitimacy of our relationship?

    What you have kept is more than enough. I had interview last week. They didnt ask me for single document (i mean Proof of relationship).

    Just make sure you keep all docs organised in a way that easily accessible.

    I don't know why New Delhi takes longer :( but as I go though timelines and reviews I see more interviews at Mumbai than new Delhi.

    Yes new delhi is pretty slow. Do you know that they publish every month list of all interviews happening. Maybe you can track your case number from there

  2. Till i understand this process, your documents will be sent to embassy..you can track this status on ceac.state.gov site.

    Once those docs reach embassy you can then call embassy and ask them to schedule interview..

    Hi Guys,

    Need your help, Acyually I have got my case completed at NVC dated 04/27, after CC I requested an expedite at NVC. That request was just to expedite my interview date. I have got the follwing email from them

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry regarding the immigrant visa petition: XXXXXXX filed by XXXXXXX on behalf of XXXXX

    The U.S. Embassy/Consulate General has accepted this case for expedited processing. This file will be immediately forwarded to the U.S. Embassy/Consulate General. Any further questions concerning processing or the interview appointment date should be directed to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General.

    Please note that the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General may still request additional forms or fees at the time of your interview. Please be prepared to submit any missing forms and pay any required fees at the time of your interview.

    And on calling them I came to know that the interview will be scheduled by Embassy now. If that's the case then what was point in expediting my case?

    I am super confused, because if I talk to NVC they say they cant do anything now as far as scheduling is concerned and I have not got anything from either embassy or NVC.

    Please Help!

  3. I really need help on this one friends!

    I have my interview on 22nd may 2015 and hence I had taken my appointment for biometrics on 7th May..When i went for my biometrics everything went on very smoothly. But when i came back i noticed a remark made on my DS-260 confirmation page that " Name is not as per passport".

    I noticed it once i had returned back home..

    When i came to know that i cross checked and we realised that while filling up DS-260 we forgot mentioning my middle name.

    Hence my passport consist of first, middle and surname whereas my DS-260 only has first name and surname.

    Will that be a problem? I have my interview in few days, i really do not wish to get my visa delayed for that..Please can anyone help me..Please..

  4. Friends, I have my interview coming in few days..and I have made a spreadsheet for my own reference to organize documents effectively and keep a check that everything is done or now.

    So I am attaching the sheet here..Hope its helpful to other people..You can edit the document as per your consulate requirement

    Date: Date: Date: Sr. No. Particulars of Document Medical Biometric Appointment Interview Total Photocopies Original Checklist Photocopy Checklist Original Checklist Photocopy Checklist Original Checklist Photocopy Checklist 1 Photos (5 X 5cm) 0 2 Interview Letter 0 3 Current passport 0 4 Old passport 0 5 Original Birth certificate 0 6 English translated Birth Certificate 0 7 Adoption Certificate 0 8 Marriage Certificate 0 9 Marriage Termination 0 10 Court Records 0 11 PCC (page of PCC stamped too) 0 12 Medical Reports (sealed) 0 13 DS-260 confirmation page 0 14 Military Records 0 15 Petitioner Marriage Certificate 0 16 Petitioner Birth Certificate 0 17 Proof of Relationship 0 18 New paystub and document 0 19 Financial Evidence 0 20 Petition 0 21 NOA1 0 22 NOA2 0 Additional Requirements Previous Vaccination Records, Medical Reports
  5. Is there someone who can correct the spreadsheet? I noticed two entries seem to be out of date order on the spreadsheet. Akasam90 with an April 6th SD & canuckmoran with an April 6th SD are not listed in date order. Or depending upon how one sees it maybe those of us with the SD of April 9th are out of order as we seem to be stuck between those with April 6th SD's. :oops: I'm afraid to attempt to correct the spreadsheet myself. : )

    Updated Dear!!

    All the best

  6. Can I say I think this thread is informative. I am trying to understand the comments regarding seeing 3 N/A's which would indicate a CC. I went into my "fee payment" page at ceac.state.gov and the only thing I see is that my IV - Paid and AOS- Paid. Prior I swear the page looked different, including one line that had an N/A. Am I looking at the wrong spot for those 3 N/A's?

    Also, I find it very interesting to look at the spreadsheet. For example, take my scan date of Jan 26 with a CL on April 1st, others sent stuff to the NVC after me (scan dates after mine) and yet somehow starting Feb/March things started speeding up review wise and yet those with newer scan dates managed to be reviewed and received some form of communication prior to me even though I had an older scan date. I thought they went on a first in first out bases but this seems to indicate other forms of sorting criteria in their handling. I think this is what makes me so frustrated, I see my file collecting dust for some unexplained reason each time I have to wait for a review. What am I doing wrong? I don't call the NVC unless I exceed the 60 days, which so far has been every single time. I fear calling prior will toss my file into the wait pile all over again!

    I-130 - Nov. 2013

    Approved July/Aug 2014 (after appx 9 months of endless waiting)

    Last Scan Date April 9

    Does this Ever End?????

    Yes you are looking at wrong page dear...I did the same mistake...go on CEAC site..dont go for fee payment..click on DS-260 online immigration visa and alien registration.. Enter require details like case number and invoice number... you will then be able to see 3 N/A's..

    Yes wait will end soon...and trust me..it will totally be worth!!!

  7. I'm not sure I'm fully understanding this thread. I recently had to resend something related to the AOS, got a scan date item received on April 9th. I'm hoping this is the last time they ask me for anything else and can finally get a case complete.

    My filing date for my I-130 is Nov. 2013! I was really put at a disadvange from the get go in this as for some unexplained reason the USCIS took 9 months to accept and forward my petition to the NVC. And I'm not sure about everyone else here, but each time the NVC needs to review something I've sent they take over 60 days to do so. Driving me insane since other people seem to claim they get reviewed in less time.

    I-130 Nov. 2013

    Recent Scan date - April 9

    Welcome to the group!!!

    Yes its true that they use to initially take 60days to review..but bow they take min 20 and max 30 days!!

    So you are lucky!!

    there is delay in interview scheduling but hopefully soon they will catch up on that!!

    All the best

    Good morning everyone.

    We rec'vd 60-day email from the NVC for our checklist resubmission. Scan date is 04 06 2015.

    I must say this was quicker that the last one (30days). So perhaps they are speeding up the process, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

    Does anyone have an idea how long they take to resolve checklists? Ours was a simple one, we missed page 9.

    Now a days they take 20-30 days!! Might get sooner that then too

  8. It's good to see all this rally to get the representatives involved. Now you know they like "why all a sudden we getting calls. What is going on". I say watch and see what happens. Squeeky wheels do get the grease.


    Thanks for being there with us in this hard times..You not only update sheets and answer our question but also keep motivating us in this hard times. I also asked my husband to mail to congressman.

    I am going through hard time and this all mess is making it more difficult for me. :cry:(I really am crying)

    thanks dwheels76 and everyone who are contributing!!

    Hope God hear our prayers soon and we all get interview

  9. Sure will! Definitely is NOT immediately like NVC says. I have not, nor has my husband received the email yet. So no one believe NVC when they say "you will be notified immediately when an interview is scheduled."

    Thank you all so much. Praying ALL of yours moves fast!

    I am so happy for you!!! congratulations!!

    At the same time...I feel depressed too...Dont know when will I get interview date..I am going through lot of emotional pressure..I hope I get my interview soon!

    Enjoy dear!!

  10. These people are ALL rude no matter how nice and respectful you are to them. They start off mean voiced from the second they answer the line. Little devil on my right shoulder always tells me to get cocky, demanding and mean back then the little left shouldered angel says "dont lower yourself to their level. just give respect. all your luck they jot notes in your file on how many times you call a day, how your behavior was. ". So of course the little angel on the right always wins and i still respect them on the phone even tho they are a$$es.

    I agree the CC thread seemed less stressful knowing we have an end date incoming. Interview one is just BLAH whenever they decide to move and do something with NO end in sight for a goal date.

    I am so desperate to get interview date that I actually asked my husband to drive to NVC and talk to them..maybe they respond

  11. Good question. I literally call twice a day..upon waking and before bed (yes i am that crazy). I get the same thing over and over and over, "when one is scheduled you will be notified." I have even told them EVERYTIME our embassy said theres plenty of slots open so whats the problem. They automatically say "would you like an expedite?" Yeah expedite for the reasoning of being impatient please.

    My husband calls them everyday and YES we all are getting same replies..Sometimes I feel it would have been better if I didnt get CC..at least I would have a hope that by 60 days I will definitely get CC or checklist..In this case no deadline, NOTHING..just wait like donkeys!

  12. Is this correct - cc dates are quicker but NVC scan date to interview notification has not changed and remains at 60days?

    Ashanu, they have not scheduled any interview in almost past three weeks..and for some people more...people are getting more CC, but interviews arent being scheduled

    Now if only they would get on with scheduling interviews along with reviewing cases. It was actually a feeling of excitement getting a CC on this thread and moving on to another "thinking" the rest of the process would be speedier. Now there is NO excitement in "yaaaay CC lets move to interview time where its fast" cause its a bigger waiting game there and seems to be more of a painful wait. I thought surely this WOULD be the easiest part of the wait! Boy was I wrong! Dont get me wrong the CC feeling is amazing and wonderful! Feeling of moving on fast when it actually don't though is disheartening! I could have NEVER gotten through the CC wait without your spreadsheet, it was pretty much my daily bible and I thank you for that!

    Good luck on more speedy CC's everyone! Looking forward to all of you joining DWheels Interview thread (hopefully i'll be done with thread just visiting it thou :rofl: Fat chance in hell anything moving fast now days with immigration lol ).

    There seems no excitement really...we feel like bunch of fools...given up hope..dont think we will have anything by this month end..:(

    Ariani, do you think that we can do something to let NVC know that there is some major issue..as embassy do have openings but interviews are still not being scheduled

  13. Welcome to the club! I understand your frustration and torment. If it was not for visa journey I would have lost my marbles a long time ago.

    Thanks to USCIS / NVC delays I will probably have to re-apply for my police clearance certificate. I was so eager to be with my husband that I got all my paper work prepared in time like a fool. Thanks to NVC's inconsistent instructions my scan date was delayed. Now who knows what further checklists are expected and when my interview will be.

    I wanted to be with my husband for our first wedding anniversary, but this seems like a fantasy now. I wish I had known that it takes one year from start to finish, IF you file your paperwork correctly and on time. Maybe we could have planned things differently.

    Surely, this is just a form of immigration control, limiting the total number of people entering the US per year?

    We are sailing in same boat dear.. My anniversary is on 2nd June...and when i got CC on 30th march..I was so happy thinking i will be there before my anniversary..Now thanks to NVC..my husband will have to fly here..as we are really unsure when we will get interview date...

  14. Just an update friends!

    I called Mumbai embassy today and they said that they have interview openings in May as well and they have no clue why NVC is not scheduling.

    When my husband called NVC yesterday, they told that they are waiting for interview opening details by embassy.

    I feel so low friends. Dont understand that who is lying to us and why?? Dont we have right to correct information. If they are not planning to schedule for one whole month then they should speak it upfront and notify us. Why keep us in dark?? Why every night we have to sleep thinking when will P4 come?? Why every morning wake up and checking mail has to be first thing??

    And, on top of it we have no deadline for that..at least people who are waiting for CC has a deadline and a hope too that it will take max 60 days..We dont have any such deadlines..

    Devastated totally

  15. Just an update friends!

    I called Mumbai embassy today and they said that they have interview openings in May as well and they have no clue why NVC is not scheduling.

    When my husband called NVC yesterday, they told that they are waiting for interview opening details by embassy.

    I feel so low friends. Dont understand that who is lying to us and why?? Dont we have right to correct information. If they are not planning to schedule for one whole month then they should speak it upfront and notify us. Why keep us in dark?? Why every night we have to sleep thinking when will P4 come?? Why every morning wake up and checking mail has to be first thing??

    And, on top of it we have no deadline for that..at least people who are waiting for CC has a deadline and a hope too that it will take max 60 days..We dont have any such deadlines..

    Devastated totally

  16. Good news!!! just got off the phone with NVC. My case completed on April 9, my IV and AOS still shows as paid. This means not all cases get NAs on the receipts.

    I thank God for all of you, even though I don't participate too much, you surely have kept my morale high. If it were not for nirabhi who asked me to call and ask for supervisor review, I wouldn't be sharing this news with you. The interview will be in Nairobi, Kenya. I Pray Case Complete for each one of you.

    Thank you :dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing:

    Hey!! I am soooo happy for you!!! Glad that you got your CC...keep us updated when you get your interview scheduled...there is a long wait for that also now...:(

  17. Thank you ariani

    so that i have to wait till fill the DS-260 then move to next step by sending the documents by mail

    do u know how many days after completed the agent form and paid the AOS i can fill ds-260 ?!?! almost 10 days completed the payemnt

    Sam you need to keep calling them.. My whole process of filling out from DS-261 till sending out package took 26 days!! Keep calling...thats all i can say

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