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Posts posted by Hsforhelmet

  1. I wish it was as easy as you'd like to get it, but unfortunately it's not. You could come to the US and visit your boyfriend and stay with him but you won't be able to work legally. Yes, people work under the table and yes depending on the employer you could get more than $10 per hour, but don't do it. It's not the right way, it's not fair for all of those who follow the right path and encouraging you to do so is agains VJ's terms and against what I believe that's the right way to immigrate to another county. Be patient, see how you guys' relationship develops and maybe in the future who knows, you'll want to marry your boyfriend or you'll find a way to get a company to sponsor you.

    Thank you, that's what I' think I'll do. I'll just keep flying back and forth until we're ready to take the next step.

    Thank you for the info and for not being judgemental!

  2. We've only been dating just short of a year, I want to come to America and obviously live with my boyfriend but I don't want to be forced into marriage just to stay. That's why I asked about work visa's or how to get started, I would rather come to America, work, be with my boyfriend full time and see if it's actually for me instead of come to America and get married within 90 days and find out I hate it.

    I don't see what's sketchy about that, at least I'm being honest and not like I'm trying to live off the system. I already know I'll get paid atleast $10 less in America than what I'm making now so clearly it's not for the money and if I had it my way he'd be moving to America but because of the circumstances that's not an option for us right now.

  3. See Id rather go the work visa route so I don't have the pressure of needing to be married in 90 days. Plus we've never lived together other than the week at a time I spend when I fly out there to see him which is also becoming very expensive.

    So just to quickly recap, I can just start applying for jobs and if I'm offered one the employee will do most of the paper work required? Sorry for the dumb questions, I feel like I've been reading and reading and getting to definite or clear answers. Most of the stuff I've found online has me running in circles.

  4. Well I guess this explains the "90 day fiancé " TV show.

    Thanks for the help though!

    So if I apply for jobs and I get one of them, what happens? Does the employer send me forms and stuff to fill out to be approved or should I be trying to find a work visa form to get started on myself?

  5. Well that's discouraging, how about a work visa? Can I file for a work visa, then go to the states and find a job or do I need to find a job first? I feel like a potential employee wouldn't want to go through the hassle of waiting for me to be approved. Does it take awhile usually or is it all dependant on the work someone does?

  6. Im wanting to move to America and live with my boyfriend, but how does that all work? I want to be able to work while I'm there and eventually hopefully become an American citizen. Everything I've read is so confusing and it seems like there a ton of different visas so I don't know which to chose from or which one that I would need. Any help on where to start would be greatly appreciated. I'm a Health Care Aide by the way, if that makes a difference.

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