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Posts posted by thomfantomas

  1. You mean like LGS2015003311 01. It's nothing to worry about How is your case# looking that would help. It doesn't really matter long as the embassy knows you. You paid on the portal with this case# your AOS and IV correct? You can pull up your case# on the ceac.state.gov site correct? What's the issue than?

    so on her physical Immigrant visa it looks like this

    IV Case Number




    THERE ARE 2 ADDITIONAL DIGITS. and yes all Fees are paid for via AOS and IV!

  2. i apologize if i posted in the wrong discussion, My Wife just realized that on her Immigrant visa the IV Case Number has 2 additional numbers compared to our Case Number Issued which has three letters following 10 digits :/ we already emailed the consulate and she will be calling tomorrow. i did some vigorous searching no luck on anything relevant to our situation,I'm think this is an error on their part SMH. any feedback is much appreciate thanks

  3. An immigrant fee is the separate fee for producing green card for your wife and delivering it to your US home address. Also, an immigrant fee is not part of NVC fees. Everyone will pay separate fees after visa approval. Your wife won't get a plastic card of green card if you don't pay an immigrant fee.

    Use this:


    Tool tip for entering a number on immigrant fee elis site: http://www.uscis.gov/uscis-elis/immigrant-fee-payment-tips-finding-your-number-and-dos-case-id

    Congratulations on your wife's visa approval. Enjoy your trip back to USA.

    soo in laymans terms she we receive this information once she picks up Her packet tomorrow correct?

  4. Greetings everyone i am the petitioner and the Wife(Serbia) had her interview this past thursday :) 12th and was approved.She's Picking up Her Documents/Passport and Visa tomorrow! With that being said i over read this 'USCIS Immigrant Fee - You must pay the USCIS Immigrant Fee to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) after you receive your immigrant visa and before you travel to the United States." via NVC now i'm confused O.o i though i already paid this fee during the whole process with USCIS? lastly will there be instructions for Her once picking up Her visa tomorrow? thanks for any info

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