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Posts posted by Signal

  1. I've heard that it's a very good group. Maybe you'd be a pal and post the URL for us?

    You got it!...It's simply http://www.candleforlove.com/

    Thank you once again for the info!...I haven't been around either forum much in the last couple of days, I guess I better start reading up again soon!...Hehehe...

    daisy16--Hello fellow New Yorker!!...Thanks for the offer, I'm sure I'll have questions eventually!...Hehehe...

    shirlJ831--Thank you, it's nice to be here!...

    pink_roses--Thanks!...I hope I can learn enough from everyone on these boards to get me through this process!...

  2. Thank you guys once again for such a warm greeting!!...Good luck to everyone in this long and sometimes difficult process...

    meauxna--Wow!...Thank you SO much for that bit of info!!!...I've been over there reading for the past hour or so...Sounds like it could be another great site for me...Thanks!!!...

  3. Well I decided to check the board just before I went to bed and WOW!!...Thank you so much for all the greetings and good wishes guys!!!...You're all so great!!...I also wish everyone good luck on this long tough journey...I know it is not easy and I am sure I will be going through some of the frustration myself...But I hope it works out in the end for all of us!...Take care everyone!...

  4. Hello everyone!...Just a New York newbie here...I am very new to all of this but very excited at the same time...I'm fairly early in my journey but decided to register and get all the info I can...I know I'll need it!...From reading other websites I have a general idea of what I'm about to get involved in...It certainly isn't going to be easy!...*LOL*...But I hope to learn a lot here!...I've already read a few of the threads here and everyone seems so nice and friendly!...I just found this new member area and wanted to say hello to everyone out there!...



  5. I have been thinking about this very subject myself lately!...I like the idea of having a professional instructor do the teaching...I agree that there is no need to add any stress to a relationship where one half of the couple is already experiencing a whole new culture and environment...

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