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Posts posted by carmenJohnson

  1. Hi,

    I thought to share with you how my naturalization test went last week.

    It was a very smooth process, read a sentence (Where is the White House?), wrote the sentence:"The White House is in Washington D.C." and answered the first 6 questions correctly after which I had to sign some papers confirming that I was there, passed and that all my information that they have is correct.

    My 6 questions were:

    What is an amendment

    Who vetoes bills

    What is the Capitol of your state

    What is the law of the land

    Who did the U.S. fight in WW2

    What do we swear allegiance to

    The officer was very nice and I was done in less than 15 minutes.

    So, now on to the ceremony which I will have to reschedule due to travel plans (not for leisure) but I may get our senator to help me out since my husband knows him very well. And then I can finally vote and serve on a jury!

  2. Hi, I hope this is the right place but I'm currently preparing for my interview and learning the questions.

    I have one question about it:

    If, in the study guide, a question has 4 answers, do you need to be able to give all 4 answers? For example:
    #37 What does the judicial branch do?
    *reviews laws

    *explains laws

    *resolves disputes

    *decides if a law goes against the constitution

    I can't seem to find an answer on this anywhere so I hope someone can help

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