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Posts posted by davidgastly

  1. I had the interview on 2nd of April and they told me wait a week before they will make a decision. Today they called me and said they scheduled an Psychiatric Evaluation for me that I need to undergo before they make a decision.

    Now, I guess the most likely reason for it is that my police certificate had a "caution" for making an offensive Facebook post 4 years ago (long story).

    So is this a common thing that embassies refer people to? I don't have any history of mental health issues, so that police caution was the only thing that made them "suspicious" about my mental health.

    Does anyone else have experience with such an evaluation? What do they check there? And do they actually make a decision after this evaluation is done, or could they still ask for other things after it?

  2. Ive had an interview on the 2nd of april already, and at the end they said they still will need to check something before decide whether to give me the visa or not... They asked me if I want to give them my passport in case the visa is issued, so I gave it to them. They didn't give me any slips, like other people mentioned, and the CEAC status still shows "Ready".

    Does this mean I'm in AP? they didn't mention that and CEAC never showed AP... just Ready. The "Status Updated Date" was updated on interview day, and now it's updated again today. This is unnerving me with their totally non-transparent system and mysterious updated dates. They said I will hear about their decision this week but the week is almost over. What would they be checking, I wonder?

  3. I emailed the embassy asking them if I need to bring an entirely new and signed i864a to the interview, or will just bringing the corrected page that had the error be enough. They replied:

    "I think that only this page that has wrong information, needs to be filled out again. If that is not enough or something else is missing, the Consul will tell you during the visa interview."

    So the person at the embassy who replied doesn't know for sure, and I will only know at the interview. That's not very clear. I HOPE that I could just bring that one page with corrections, since it doesn't have a signature field and I could just print it off.

  4. Question, guys: In my P4 letter's document list, I got "FINANCIAL EVIDENCE - I" which is "This form is incomplete. You must present a completed form at your interview.",

    Now, I'm baffled here. First of all, they didn't explain this any further. Which one of the 3 i-864 forms that we sent is incomplete? And which part of it? Or are they talking about tax returns/payslips?

    Secondly, without knowing which part is incomplete, I can't really present them a "completed" form.

    Thirdly, they already checklisted us for an incomplete i-864 once. So I'd think that would already fix the issues that they pointed out before.

    Should I call NVC and ask them to elaborate on it? Or should I write the embassy instead? (the case is at the embassy right now). What do you guys think?

    Ok called NVC and they explained that it was just one field in i864a that was wrong. But come on, they never explained that in the email, so the only way I could know it is by calling them. Do they expect everyone to call them like that increase their call queues?

  5. Question, guys: In my P4 letter's document list, I got "FINANCIAL EVIDENCE - I" which is "This form is incomplete. You must present a completed form at your interview.",

    Now, I'm baffled here. First of all, they didn't explain this any further. Which one of the 3 i-864 forms that we sent is incomplete? And which part of it? Or are they talking about tax returns/payslips?

    Secondly, without knowing which part is incomplete, I can't really present them a "completed" form.

    Thirdly, they already checklisted us for an incomplete i-864 once. So I'd think that would already fix the issues that they pointed out before.

    Should I call NVC and ask them to elaborate on it? Or should I write the embassy instead? (the case is at the embassy right now). What do you guys think?

  6. As long as you look the same I would think older ones would be fine, I know in Australia they have a "these photos expire on..." part on the packet. If it's not a lot of trouble, getting some new ones might not be a bad idea. I have some recent ones from just before my medical - I got US passport sized ones accidentally then had to go back for Australian passport sized ones.

    Yeahh that's what I was thinking. For me they are asking for 5x5 cm ones, which is US passport size I guess.

    But that makes me wonder, if they want 2 new ones at the embassy, why did they ask for them at NVC stage? Since they just forward them to the embassy anyway. Plus USCIS wanted one too, so they could have might as well forwarded that one to NVC.

  7. I'm confused about bringing passport photos to the interview... there is contradicting information: The last page of the P4 letter says that I MUST bring 2 photos, yet below on the same page, on the list of documents it says PHOTOGRAPH - Y (The NVC sent this form or document to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate).

    So I already sent the NVC 2 photos, which they now sent to the embassy, but the embassy also wants 2 MORE photos? What do they need so many photos for? To make a collage? And they dont specify how recent the new ones are supposed to be, or if I can bring copies of the same ones as I sent to NVC.

  8. Just phoned NVC, they said my case is currently being reviewed (scan date 30 dec). I asked them how much longer to wait - they said they don't know and that I can check again next week. (I also called last friday and then they said it wasn't being reviewed yet, so I'm guessing they just started reviewing it recently). I wonder if their 'reviews' usually take as long as a whole week?

  9. Hi everyone,

    I'm new here and I just wanted to say that my scan date is also 30 Dec and still nothing so far. I've been at NVC since last august and had a checklist already.

    Also, since I already received one checklist (technically it was 2, one for AOS and one for IV, but they came together), does that mean this time it will definitely be a CC? I mean, I heard some people here said they received 2 checklists, but I'm guessing they had one for AOS and one for IV after filing them separately.

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