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Posts posted by Skateman

  1. My fiancee' had all her paperwork in order when she showed up at the US embassy in Lagos, Nigeria this morning. However, they said that she applied for a B1 interview and not a K1. It did not matter to them that there was no way to select the K1 option when she made the reservation and that their website clearly stated that B1 and K1 would be treated the same for interview scheduling. They told her to reschedule. Two problems here - her account is locked out - she cannot cancel the appointment she just made this morning, nor will she be able to select K1 since that option was not available assuming she signs up again (and possibly is charged the $265 fee). Right now I can't afford an immigration lawyer. I tried most of the day calling the US state department, but the non-immigrant line refuses to help me, and the immigrant line will not take the call - they say call again later. I'm guessing that they are trying to get us to re-register and extort us for another $265. Anyone have any ideas on how to get her a K1 visa interview?

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