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Posts posted by 93194

  1. Thank you so much for your thoughts here.

    One lawyer told me, that there might be a way to turn my case into not aggravated felony, is that even possible?

    I received no jail time and was not deported. I have no deportation papers at all, I bought my own ticket and left.

    I have an appointment with Carl Shusterman later this week.

    Are there any specific things I need to ask him? You guys seem pretty knowledgable, I want to come prepared with bunch of questions/options and see what he has to say.

    I will post his opinion here.

  2. Was it a felony?

    Yes. Money-laundering. Plead guilty, surrendered and cooperated, got no jail time.

    You opted to be deported...were U an overstayer, counts against U for temp relief in the future.

    I was paroled in, never violated my stay, left the country right after my sentencing.

    Self deporting without a fight will speak volume to an adjudicator.

    I agree, every attorney I talk to says that I should have fought it, but it happened to fast and I was just happy not to get prison term.

    If you have not been outside the USA 15 yrs don't waste your money.

    Get a job in your country, build stability and maybe 4-5 yrs you can apply for B1 with a D3 waiver.

    Too soon to try it now? Since my girlfriend in in the US, it will be viewed as an immigrant intent and they surely do not want it?

    Does not look too bright, but thank you for your insight.

  3. Hello everyone!

    I'm a non-US citizen, who was convicted for money-laundering (aggravated, falls under crime of moral turpitude) and sentenced to 3 years probation with an immediate self-deportation. I don't have any removal papers.

    I spoke with several immigration lawyers and all of them have different views, few decided not to work on the case at all.

    My girlfriend is a US citizen, hardship case would be unlikely from what I heard from the lawyers.

    What is my best bet here? What kind of visa and waiver to go for? H1B? L?

    Anybody had a similar case before?

    I have a limited budget, so i want to start with the most suitable option.

    Any help is highly appreciated.

    Thank you very much!

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