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Posts posted by najasabe

  1. I am in a similar situation in regards to addresses. My wife is also Brazilian, but we have been living in Brazil for the past few years and are now moving back to the US. I have kept a US address and will use that on the forms, and probably move back a few months after we file to get settled. My concern is that with the mail system being so bad in Brazil ( it took almost 6 month to receive a letter once) after they receive the I-130, will they send any forms my wife needs to fill out to the US address or the address in Brazil?

  2. @Merrytooth .. Yes I have filed tax returns, (I may have missed one year) but I filed using the address I have kept in the US. I am about to do the same for 2014. I have also kept bank accounts in the US. What bearing would this have applying for the visas?

    We dont have any real strong reason to show why she has been gone for so long or anything I can think of to show she intended to maintain US residency. Sounds like the SB1 is really out of the picture then.

    If we go the IR1 route I assume I would have to stay in Brazil for the whole process, or at least the interviews?

    Thanks again!!!

  3. Any advise or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

    I am a USC, my wife is Brazilian, We were married about 6 years ago, she came to the US on a tourist visa, stayed, applied for and was granted a green card. However we decided to move to brazil shortly after her receiving the green card ( i know :o ). After living in Brazil for the past 4 years we are looking to move back to the US, and we are not sure what would be the best way. Our 3 options that I understand seem to be:

    1. Form DS-117 return of status

    2. Direct Consular Filing

    3. I return to the US and do IR1 / CR1

    The easiest would seem to be her filling the DS-117 form. Does anyone know this is possible with our situation? What do they look for exactly? Any one with experience working with the consulate in Brazil?

    Thanks for any input!


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