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Posts posted by D&J<3

  1. It has been a long visa journey for us! I filed the K1 visa petition for my fiancé on February 21, 2015, and our NOA1 was February 27, 2015.

    Since I live in Florida, our case was sent to the Texas Service Center. We didn't receive any RFE's and our NOA2 came on November 18th, 2015 after nearly 9 months! However, our case took forever to get sent to the Department of State. I called countless times and was told it could take up to 90 days to be sent. But we saw that other cases were being sent out within one or two weeks. On January 14th, 2016 I went to an InfoPass appointment after waiting for 8 weeks and the officer confirmed that something was wrong, that our case should have been sent out long ago. She helped our case get sent out that very day, however we also received a second NOA2 that day. I still don't know exactly why. Anyway, after being sent to the NVC, everything else moved rather quickly and I was able to secure an interview date for my fiancé for today, February 25th. After 1 year of waiting, hoping, crying, and praying, we were finally approved!! My fiancé is still in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico awaiting his visa and he will fly to the United States in just a few days when the visa is in his hands!! We are very grateful for this website that has helped us countless times whenever a question or doubt would come up. I will be writing a review of Ciudad Juarez and my fiancé's experience shortly! :)

    For anybody waiting a long time for their K1 visa, don't lose hope... Your time WILL come even though it may feel like it's never going to happen. It may be hard to wait, but in the end, it is well worth it!

  2. NOA1- Feb 27, 2015

    NOA 2- Nov 18, 2015

    7 weeks later, my case is STILL in Texas. They have not yet sent my approved case to NVC.

    Most cases I see on USCIS' website and on Visa Journey are sent to NVC within 1-3 weeks.

    Why is my case taking so long to be sent?

    I've called USCIS and they just say it takes up to 90 days.

    Well that's great for them that they have such a large timeframe, but I simply can't wait that long!

    What can I do??

    I was going to get a Senator involved tomorrow, and I'm looking into Ombudsman.

    Any other suggestions??

    There has already been a service request placed but the Tier 2 officer put it in the system as a "request to get information about your case because it is not available online" and I don't think this is going to help much. I just want them to send my case to NVC. Is that so hard?!

    I am so beyond frustrated with this whole process.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  3. After waiting 9 months for an NOA2, now Texas is making us wait much too long just to send my packet to NVC!

    I have a baby due in 7 weeks and my fiancé and I will be devastated if he is not here for the birth of our daughter.

    What can I do?

    I called USCIS a few weeks ago and they said that it can now take up to 90 days for NVC to receive the k1 packet. That is just absurd! Should I call again? Should I just wait it out?

    Also, why has Texas completely like shut down these past few months? I see that they are making little to no progress on approvals and sending to NVC!


  4. I know similar questions have been asked, but I cannot find the answers to my specific questions.

    I am the primary sponsor for my fiancé, and my parents were going to be the co-sponsors since they make more than enough.

    However, it seems that my fiancé cannot have both of my parents as co-sponsors. I must choose one or the other, correct?

    My parents have separate incomes but share everything financially.

    If I choose my mom, for example, when it comes to all of the financial information such as total in savings accounts, stocks and bonds, real estate, etc do I put the total for both of my parents in her form or do I basically have to cut everything in half since the other half is my dad's?

    Also, if I choose my mom, do I put my dad as "wholly dependent" on her form or not since he has his own income?

    Thanks in advance!!

  5. FINALLY!! After nearly 9 months, we received our NOA2!! What a long, frustrating journey it has been to get out of TSC. I seriously thought this day would never come!! For those of you still waiting, my heart goes out to you!! You will receive your approvals soon!!!

    For those who may wonder, I was told by a tier 2 officer on October 30th that our case was pending background check since July. He graciously put a service request in for us (even though the processing time posted was 2/20 and my NOA1 date is 2/27) and told me that I should hear from them within 21 days. That was going to be this Friday, so our NOA2 came in within the time frame he told me.

    I am SO happy! My fiancé should be here before our baby girl is born in February after all! Thank God!!

  6. My NOA1 is Feb. 27

    My congressman told me on October 16th that my case was with an officer and was pending background check.

    I called USCIS today and spoke with a Tier 2 officer and asked him about this background check.

    He then told me some shocking news... My case has been pending background check since July 9th!

    He then put me on hold and said that he was going to "return the transaction".

    After he did that, he said I should hear from them within 21 days.

    What does it mean to "return the transaction"?

    Why has my case been in the background check stage for 3 and a half months?


  7. I filed for a K1 visa in February of this year, and now 8 months later I realized that I sent the wrong birth certificate!

    I was born in Puerto Rico and in 2010 we had to get new birth certificates. All certificates issued before 2010 are invalid.

    After many months of waiting for my NOA2, I realize that the reason why I may not have been approved yet is because they received an invalid birth certificate!

    But then again, I haven't gotten an RFE because of it, so is it possible that they haven't even seen that I sent the wrong one?

    Also, I have the correct one ready to be mailed tomorrow but where do I send it to?

    My case is currently at the Texas Service Center, so should I send it there or to the Dallas Lockbox that I originally sent the whole petition to?

    Thanks in advance!!

  8. I just got off the phone with a Tier 2 Officer in regards to my case. Today, it has been 198 days since my NOA1 (Feb. 27). The Officer said that if I put in a service inquiry it would delay my case 30-90 days, so I did not put in an official inquiry.

    I forgot to mention to him, however, that on September 1st my Congressman called regarding my case. My question is, would this also delay my case 30-90 days?

    I haven't heard back from my Congressman yet because he has to give the USCIS 30 days to get back to him.

    Also, both the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Officers were going off of the Dec. 21st, 2014 date that is on their website as the official Processing Timeframe. However, that was last updated June 30th, and we all know they are approving many March cases now. The processing time on VisaJourney is March 3rd.

    If anyone has any experience with Inquiries or Congressmen getting involved, I would appreciate your input.

    Thank you!

  9. Thank you to everyone who has replied. Clearly, there are many of us in the same boat, which is in a sense is very comforting. Oftentimes, we can feel like the only ones in the world going through this, when in reality there are hundreds or thousands of couples suffering just the same. I sincerely hope and pray we all are reunited with our fiancés very soon. Thankfully, this will all be behind us one day and we can simply enjoy our lives with our future spouses. <3

  10. I know how hard it is to wait, trust me. I get how annoying it is to see others who filed after you get approved before you. Reality is, no matter what we say, we are still under the mercy of USCIS.

    I always say to others that the biggest mistake I made on here is pay attention to how quick others get their approvals and base mine on theirs. You have been waiting 2 months more or less and you can't help but compare your situation to others. In reality, you haven't been waiting that long but seeing others fly through makes you feel that you are being treated unfairly. The only suggestion I can make is to try to detach yourself from the visa craziness. Go out, have fun, and have realistic expectations. We all went through this knowing we could be waiting 5-6 months. The only thing you can control is yourself. Extend your patience a bit more. In the end, it will be worth the wait. Good luck.

    Thank you for your advice! It's true... it really is better not to compare yourself to other cases. Whenever I do that, I just get so upset haha. And then I think, "there's gotta be SOMETHING we can do to change this." But yes, I'm going to have to detach myself from the visa craziness as you said :) Thanks again.

  11. My application was forwarded to the California Service Center 2.5 months ago and i will most likely wait the same amount before i get an NOA2. Average processing time at the California Processing Center is 5 months. I'm not sure where you got 1-2 month from.

    I don't know how long your visa takes but I was referring specifically to the K1 Fiance visa where there are dozens of reports on this website of cases in Cali from April currently being processed versus mainly October cases in Texas.


  12. Hey everyone. So my NOA1 date is Feb. 27th and due to living in Florida my packet is currently in a box collecting dust in Texas.

    I know I have a few more months to wait, which I have come to accept as just part of this process. However, the thing that bothers me most is the difference in processing times between Texas and Cali. I mean, SERIOUSLY?! One month NOA2 dates in California vs. 6-8 month NOA2 dates in Texas. It is absolutely ridiculous!

    People's lives are at a stand-still for too long as they wait for a simple text from USCIS. There has to be a way for all of us at the TCS who are forced to wait a painfully long time to get together and make change happen. I mean, can't we do something?? Don't we have rights as US citizens to protect us of this injustice, cause honestly it IS injustice. People who sent their package in April are about to have their fiancé's with them in the US whereas people who sent it in November of last year (a 6 month difference!) are still suffering and waiting. What can we do to make change happen???

  13. Man I think 2015 wedding will be hard for me at this point, as it's really not a good idea to put any money down on a venue or vendors before the visa is in hand. And I'm not personally not getting married in December because of the holiday season.

    I just hope you won't lose any money if you decide to set a date and then something unpredictable happens.

    It just sucks planning for this in general. Ugh

    Yeah, the unpredictable wedding planning also makes this whole process even more frustrating and annoying! And of course, getting an NOA2 is just the beginning of a new waiting period :(

    My fiancé and I have agreed to have a small backyard wedding with just some close family and friends. We also aren't going to wait that long once he's here to get married. Probably 3 weeks tops! At least these are the plans and they can change at any moment haha

  14. This all makes me want to cancel my current k1 petition (NOA1 is Feb. 27) and just re-file and pray they take my new petition straight to Cali! Hahaha I would never actually do this nor do I know if it's possible, but it would probably get me my fiancé here 5 months quicker!

    Seriously though, it's encouraging to know we are all in this together. We're all unhappy and upset now because of the crazy unfairness with the difference in processing times, BUT how beautiful is it that by Fall of THIS YEAR most of us will finally be with the loves of our lives! The majority of us are getting married in 2015! Woo-hoo!!! No more long distance. No more long months apart. No more expensive plane tickets or taking weeks off of work. No more frustration with failed Skype calls and broken connections. We will all reach the day this year where we will wake up every day next to our wonderful spouse! So excited!! Praying the time goes by fast for us all!!!!!

  15. Looks like some March filers have gotten NOA2 's.... Hmmm I also see that they're moving some Texas service center cases to Cali. That's great all long as our cases don't get lost in the process.

    Oh wow, I hope mine gets moved to Cali! Those of us at the Texas service center are facing 7 month waits JUST for an NOA2. So unfair, in my opinion! I think the right thing for them to do is transfer as many cases over to Cali as possible to even out the waiting period.

  16. Hello everyone! This is my first post but I have been browsing the site for over a month as I was preparing the application and had many questions. This website has been such a blessing. Every single question that pops in my head has already been asked and answered! :)

    I mailed my packet on February 21st, and my NOA1 date is February 27th. It's funny how I know that I have many months of waiting ahead of me but I'm still praying for a miracle! I'd love to have my fiancé here by August. Unlikely, seeing how long Texas takes, but I'm still hoping!

    Good luck to all of the other February Filers, especially those assigned to TSC!
    (L) Dariana

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