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Posts posted by Mightbebeyondme

  1. I suppose you like many others had zero involvement in immigration issues until it affected you. It also affected me but I wasn't an American citizen & always realized what a privilege it would be to come to live in the USA.

    You chose the timing of what you entered into. That is what controls the beginning of the process. I think its all about awareness & accountability because that's what they check into to inform the govt about those very things.

    I agree that there are many attempts to push the govt to provide faster service but like yours they are directed towards the wrong offices & people. Its an indication of how awareness of who is actually accountable by those that create these petitions is lacking.

    Nothing wrong with complaining but dont forget it was you two that decided on the USA & when to file.

    My first bout with immigration was before/during 9-11. I am almost entering round 2. I am striving to have less ignorance as I move forward. First, I would say, I do not find this process insurmountable. I do find some of the aggressive feelings against immigration to be nonproductive. However, in my lifetime, I would also state that the American government has become less and less service oriented towards it's citizens. We as citizens have almost zero way to approach and change the process, at least in reasonable fashion while we are in difficult process. We have to work too hard to survive, (on average) to have the energy to change laws. Money has access, more than people. There is really no one to call to change things. We can take some comfort in the fact that if the process took longer, than it would take for the people to change a law, on average, the people could and would, then take action. It is sometimes small comfort.

  2. I cannot say absolutely, however, at the time that they finally approved the many thousands of applications after 9-11, I don't believe that they followed perfect security protocals. I do believe that they have a policy of doing so, however, I am not sure there is anyone in authority checking on DHS. From what I have been told, at least in immigration they are not held accountable by any other branch of the government, except possibly the President?

  3. I was waiting for a k1 visa when the twin towers fell. All visas were put on hold for about a year. Immigration was moved into the shell of DHS. I was told at that time by various government representatives, that as far as immigration goes, DHS answers to no one. There are no checks and balances. They do whatever they deem appropriate, and for whatever reason they wish. When they finally did issue visas, there was such a backlog that they just issued thousands of them at the same time with what was apparently no proper security checks on the immigrants. If my government wants me to believe that they are acting in the peoples best interest, they will have to re-establish checks and balances for the citizens of this country.

  4. The government is stopping no one from falling in love and marrying outside our borders.

    The implications of that are somewhat obvious. They would have to in any reasonable world be able to travel to both countries somewhat freely to maintain relationship. It is fairly disrespectful to the citizen to not allow that relationship reasonably continue and be sustainable. If the ethic of service to the people is not reasonbly in existence, I have no idea how the people can be expected to consider their government to be an honorable entity.

  5. We the people, will always have the right and duty to scrutinize our government. It is indeed our duty as Americans. We deserve as citizens to be treated with respect and decency. Our government should respond to us in reasonable time. It should not be a privilege to fall in love and marry, even outside our borders. We should be efficiently and thoroughly examined for other motives however.

  6. Although there is a little confusion in the language, as near as I can make out and as I am being advised here, this is my most truthful conclusion so far. I am reading all over the net that there is no such thing as a civil conviction. The form is faulty. I have no criminal issues and they mention crimes multiple times. It does say (civil or criminal) which confuses things. If I answer 2a with yes and the point is to be absolutely truthful, I would have to check the box on 3c also because there was violence toward me as well as extreme cruelty. There is no statement I can see that says I should give them documents. It would be strange to provide them with a date of conviction and documents about it, as there technically was none. I am somewhat inclined to give docs I have on hand and description of outcome, though still unsure.

    I just found this on oxford dictionary website. This appears to be the correct definition. Can I get some consensus on this definition? It would free me to move on from this issue.

    civil conviction

    Syllabification: civ·il con·vic·tion
    Definition of civil conviction in English: noun
    (In military use) a current or former criminal conviction, under civil law, of an enlisted person.
  7. Although there is a little confusion in the language, as near as I can make out and as I am being advised here, this is my most truthful conclusion so far. I am reading all over the net that there is no such thing as a civil conviction. The form is faulty. I have no criminal issues and they mention crimes multiple times. It does say (civil or criminal) which confuses things. If I answer 2a with yes and the point is to be absolutely truthful, I would have to check the box on 3c also because there was violence toward me as well as extreme cruelty. There is no statement I can see that says I should give them documents. It would be strange to provide them with a date of conviction and documents about it, as there technically was none. I am somewhat inclined to give docs I have on hand and description of outcome, though still unsure.

  8. It was not a criminal case. I am sorry for the confusion. This was a very long time ago, and my memory of it is not pristine. It was a civil case. I did not end up with a criminal record. In my imperfect memory I remember a negative verdict. It was prosecuted by the State of Colorado however. I was found to be whatever is the equivalent of guilty in a non-criminal case. I am expressing things as clearly as I am able. This is the help I am looking for. It would be really fantastic if I didn't have trace down and rehash very ancient history. I am looking for some of the court papers in my files and so far I have found only the custody order that states me as the sole custodian. It does have the case number.

  9. It was not a criminal case. I am sorry for the confusion. This was a very long time ago, and my memory of it is not pristine. It was a civil case. I did not end up with a criminal record. In my imperfect memory I remember a negative verdict. It was prosecuted by the State of Colorado however. I was found to be whatever is the equivalent of guilty in a non-criminal case. I am expressing things as clearly as I am able. This is the help I am looking for. It would be really fantastic if I didn't have trace down and rehash very ancient history. I am looking for some of the court papers in my files and so far I have found only the custody order that states me as the sole custodian. It does have the case number.

  10. Yes as far as what exactly I am asking, it is obviously for most of us that have confusion over these issues. How in this situation do I gather and present all paperwork so that I can make a successful application? I appreciate those who have knowledge, as I have little in my current circumstance. This is awkward for me, I am asking for help in an area where I was found to be wrong/guilty in a civil matter. I find the paperwork to be pretty invasive, however, I understand some of the reasons such as human trafficking and continuing child abuse. I do not find abuse or neglect acceptable and plead not guilty in the case. I am just looking for the easiest path to a successful outcome. I believe it is totally acceptable to question my government while in any governmental process. We should all question the value of process imposed on us continually and as much as possible, without prejudice. I am not talking about just for the sake of rebellion, however in a circumspect manner, and with attempt to understand why there is such an imposition. Certainly on me this question imposes a bit of substantial difficulty as a layman, pushed into a bureaucratic process that I do not excel at. I am actually a public official in a small town, and do see at times process created that I believe does not serve the public interest.

    Sorry for the small rant. I just wish to get through this.

    It seems that I should dig back 20 years and find the papers. It will definitely slow things down and probably cost some money.

    Should I include a letter explaining the circumstance? If explained I believe it would be favorable, as I had just broken ground on a family home and did follow through. I am pretty unsure how to proceed. There was some issue with the mom physically attacking me at times, although it feels pretty silly as an adult man expressing that. There were continual bizarre verbal assaults as well She had been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, she ended up being pretty impossible to deal with and I was later granted custody after proving my responsible nature.

  11. I am not sure what you are asking exactly. What question do you have for a lawyer? If you are asking if your past civil court case should be disclosed the answer would be to simply be truthful.

    I think the problem will be obtaining the docs to submit. My husband had a court case that had to be re-located so some docs could be included. We got an RFE for that. Maybe you can attempt what he did by contacting the court. If they don't have records for that time At least you will have that fact to present. You could try submitting what you have but of course they may feel its not enough even though its clear the court awarded you sole custody later.

    Hiring someone is fine but they would just do what you could do yourself. This may come to nothing or the need to place in the file a document from the court as in our case later.

  12. Right vs privelege is very interesting in our country. I would argue that as soon as the language of law is complex enough that the average education level american cannot understand, at that point only the priveleged can access the law. A lawyer at this point would be required. A lower income, with less access to the justice system american would not have the same access to pursuit of happiness as a wealthier one. As the law is basically a promise to level the playing field for all humans, and create a system of justice for all, it would seem we have failed, at least currently. There is no point in rule of law unless all humans can access it.

  13. Part 3 question 2a Domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect ..........well, 20 years ago, I was homeless and on mental disability. My ex had physical custody of our child and was found to be abusive. I was found guilty in a civil case, of abuse and neglect because I was not able at the time to provide for my child. :oops: I did however get it all together and won full custody of my daughter within 2 years of them filing the case, and solely raised her to adulthood with no other issue. Do I need a lawyer for this question?

    Is there anyone who can give me some guidance on this issue? I am ready to start on the forms. I am hopeful that the consequences of the past are not too complex. The paper says I have to report everything, this really does not seem worthy of reporting to me, however I want everything in good order. I sincerely doubt much paperwork even exists on it, as later I had to get an order proving my sole custody, and it was very difficult. They had lost the records, and had to make a special court order to do so. I do now have that paper only. I have no other past legal issues whatsoever.



  14. Yes thanks for the answers. This is all pretty relevant. For some reason my fundamental logic was telling me that 2014 guidelines would be acceptable for 2014 taxes, but I always question logic when the government is involved....LOL! I have complex taxes as I receive SSDI, have a small rental apartment and a small gift shop. My income is naturally near the poverty level. I would like to try to do this myself. I just have to try to work it out with my tax man. :idea:(L)

    Thanks and will try to get her done.


  15. I really don't want a joint sponsor this time. I did that in 2000 when I married my ex-wife. I can make the poverty guideline when doing my taxes. I am just cutting everything really close with my taxes. In the self-employment part of my taxes I am apparently allowed to take deductions or not. It is really just a matter of a substantial refund or having to pay taxes. I am just wondering if it is acceptable to use the 2014 guidelines for 2014. It seems that there would end up being a problem if I didn't meet 125% of the 2015 poverty guidelines in my 2014 taxes and I would then need a co-sponsor. Maybe my personal property and home value could make up the difference?

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