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Posts posted by DisneyGirl15

  1. Hello I am a young mother in Cebu, Philippines. I mistakenly got pregnant by an American man who was vacationing in the Philippines. I now have a daughter who is 3 years old and I am unable to take care of her. Her father is willing to take her and raise her in the USA. I feel this is the best thing to do for her future.

    He is not on the birth certificate and we have never had any type of relationship. How do I go about getting USA citizenship for my daughter and giving custody to her father so he can take he to live in the USA?

    Please no negative responses. Just need help on what I need to do legally. Please be detailed in the steps I need to take.

  2. I have just become aware that I could have a 3 year old child in the Philippines. The mother recently contacted me with the shocking news and to say she does not wish to care for the child any longer. She has a new boyfriend who does not want kids and now she just wants to get rid of the little girl.

    I do not know where to start in this process. I assume the first step is a DNA Test. I am currently in the Philippines now and have met the little girl for the first time. Can anyone assist me on where I can get a DNA test in Cebu City, Philippines and what are the steps in gaining US citizenship for a child and bringing them back to the USA?

    Is there anything I should be aware of or potential scam here??

  3. That does not really answer any of my questions. I know that most say it is best to file at the 90 day mark. As I said in my original post. This is really one of the last opportunities I have to see my family and be able to travel in a long time. I am not asking what the best or ideal things are to do. I am asking if I leave the country this summer will I have any problems with reentry or filing only 30 days before expiration verse 90. Telling me what the best thing is to do does not help me.

  4. My conditional green card expires on 9/18/2015. I really want to travel back to the philippines to see my parents. This is really the only time I will have to do it for a while. I know on passports they say to have 6 months left on it before you travel. Does the same apply for greencards? If I traveled this summer and came back to the USA in August. Then immediately file my removal of conditions.

    Do you foresee any problems?

    Will I have any problems getting back into the USA if my conditional green card expires 1 month or less of my reentry?

    Will filing my removal of conditions 1 month before expiration raise any red flags and cause me any problems?

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