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Posts posted by sophi

  1. Yes he will get all the same day the medical cost $15240 and he has to bring another $15000 just for vaccine he might not use all but they suggest u bring that amount when you call for appointment

    Yes he will get all the same day the medical cost $15240 and he has to bring another $15000 just for vaccine he might not use all but they suggest u bring that amount when you call for appointment

    Yes he will get all the same day the medical cost $15240 and he has to bring another $15000 just for vaccine he might not use all but they suggest u bring that amount when you call for appointment

  2. He hardly has any on his record. 1 shot then they gave him HepB vac today for free but said they can not give him the others and directed him to the rip off place. Actually if Andrews is cheaper then at 30 dollar that is better than 75. will he get all of them the same day?

  3. Does your fiance have a immunization record if he has a record he can just go with that to medical he might not require all the shots depending on age my brother went thursday and he did not have much on his record and they only gave him 2 shots the doctor will determine on how much he is to get and his son got three which him $5000 for all 3 and my son got one and it cost me $1200 for his own

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