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Posts posted by BRYCEBABY

  1. @ Jawaree...

    My husband knows all about that last one...I don't hide things from him about my life. He knows the good, the bad and the ugly...lol. That is what makes him so wonderful...He doesn't judge me.

    That last filing ended with him being denied for failing to prove that this was not a relationship for immigration purposes only and admitted use of marijuana (I was never clear on whether he failed the drug test or not). After all of that, I found out from one of his family members that he was pretty much living with another woman in Ja...And when ANOTHER woman contacted me and directed me to a social site where I found him (single, younger than his actual age and looking for a relationship)...THAT WAS IT!!! I received a letter some time after that stating that the case was closed.

    After posting this topic, some informer decided to report back to my ex. Well, the truth is what it is INFORMER... Perhaps you should focus more on your journey and less on mine INFORMER.
  2. A couple weeks ago I posted in this topic. I mentioned that I had filed for a fiance some time ago and it ended miserably. I have no hate for him and he and I do occasionally talk. I have a wonderful husband now and I am truly happy. But someone in this topic must know my ex and found the need to tell him what I had posted. He knows how the relationship ended and he knows why...Nothing has changed. I am happy to make this journey with someone who is travelling the same way that I am. So to whomever it is that found the need to go back and report to him...Thanks for clarifying things...lol. Now carry on.

  3. @maniput

    You're very welcome. I was trying to remember your name while writing the prayer. I couldn't but I remembered your quote so I ensure to put in the prayer. Yes guys, rather than being anxious let us pray that God open the flood gates of heaven. He says when the praises go up, then the blessings and deliverance will come down. If we want this process to be successful, let us pray and when the thought of "denial or RFE's" come to you, just say "devil you're a liar!" Start packing your bags because there's a visa number there for all of us! If you believe, just say "I claim it in Jesus name!"

    I claim it in the MIGHTY, HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!!! AMEN!!!

  4. @ Jawaree...

    My husband knows all about that last one...I don't hide things from him about my life. He knows the good, the bad and the ugly...lol. That is what makes him so wonderful...He doesn't judge me.

    That last filing ended with him being denied for failing to prove that this was not a relationship for immigration purposes only and admitted use of marijuana (I was never clear on whether he failed the drug test or not). After all of that, I found out from one of his family members that he was pretty much living with another woman in Ja...And when ANOTHER woman contacted me and directed me to a social site where I found him (single, younger than his actual age and looking for a relationship)...THAT WAS IT!!! I received a letter some time after that stating that the case was closed.

  5. Hi Spectrrr... Thanks so much for the blessings. We all can use them. Monday is set as a target date because I completed all of the paperwork and received the items that I needed from my husband on yesterday...Today everything is put together neatly awaiting Monday.. I am new to filing for a spouse but some years ago, I filed for a fiance (relationship ended). This is why I know that although we want this in a hurry...patience is truly a virtue...

    It is truly a blessing in itself to have people like you here on VJ who are so helpful...Thanks again.

  6. I considered getting an attorney but after talking with some of the members of a Positive Visa Vibes on Facebook, they assured me that 90% of them had done their own paperwork and had gotten through just fine. They all told me to just come back here to VJ for help. So I saved the extra cash to apply to other things that will be needed.

    @ Nick and Chodday..I will be praying with you that you hear something soon. Keep the faith.

  7. Hello Everyone...

    I am filing on Monday. I am so scared. Its like I can't help but to think of all the what ifs. I am filing for my husband and his 3 children. I am told that I have to file a separate petition for each of them which is fine with me. But this next question may sound a bit weird...Who signs the paperwork for the children since they are minors? I don't want to mess up anything as I want my family here together. Still my hope is in the Lord. I know HE will guide me.

    My prayer is that GOD will bless each of you on your journey....May you find love and laughter along the way...May HE keep you and guide you....In JESUS name ...Amen!!!

  8. Hello All. I am the not so new newbie. A few years ago, I was on here filing for my then fiance. We didn't quite make it to the altar. Visa was denied because we needed to prove that it was a relationship of love and not for immigration purposes (oh yeah, marijuana ban also).But let's just say " GOD has a way". The relationship didn't last through the year ban. I found out things about him through family and friends so I bowed out gracefully. Some time later, I met the beautiful soul that I am honored to call my husband. We were married in December and now my Visa Journey with him begins.

    The reason I call myself a newbie is because I can't seem to find my way around this site anymore. I need HELP <_< . Please feel free to help me navigate while on this journey. Help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks everyone and may GOD bless you all as you journey through!!!

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