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Posts posted by andrewjalo

  1. Let me be one of those posters who has regularly said how easy it is if you just follow the directions -- even if they don't make sense sometimes. Everyone at USCIS, NVC, the embassy, and all the service centers has been pleasant and helpful to a fault. We are almost done -- the naturalization interview is in three weeks, with oath to follow, and we have not had a single bad moment along the way. It takes a long time to get through everything, but it was easy because we DID follow all the directions.

    I understand.

    From what i read on the web and hear is because we only 6 months together it might seem not genuine :\

    I spent 24 years back home and never found some one like my wife, that i share every thing with her.. its amazing because she is actually my soul mate, we think together we completer sentences together every thing!

    I've got sponsors but we don't have joint account and other stuff... we got an apartment on lease but not loan on our name nor insurance :\ that's why i m afraid from the process because we don't have all this stuff especially when my last saving that i brought with me start to ran off... what do you think?

  2. Take everything with a grain of salt.

    Most people that I know that have gone through the immigration system have had no problems. Most were prepared for the processes.

    There are many people who think US immigration should understand their situations while they fail to comply with the rules. Some people think they are special and if given the opportunity to explain they are fine except they don't provide evidence.

    If you provide the required documents, you should have no problem.

    Furthermore, few people will post to tell you how smoothly things went. More people will come here with problems. If you read through the threads, you will find that they left something out.

    You were more than helpful! thank you very much Sir.

  3. hello there :) my name is Andrew and I recently got married to my love of my life that i meet here in the united states during my vacation before studding.

    I came legally to the US with tourist visa b1-b2, meet my wife during my visit at one of the casino at the downtown, dating with her for 5 months

    and we got married.

    my question is, if i want to work because i have to provide her and we want to get a house, and we planing a kid , and we have a dog even hhh what is my options?

    we don't have money for a lawyer right now for the process of green card, is there option to get work permit during this time ?

    I am of course legal here, the thing is my tourist visa expires at 2024 but my staying visa of 6 months expires at 1st march.

    I would like for any help I could get, thank you :)

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