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Posts posted by wolvendove

  1. Yahoo! :dance: My petition for my husband was approved! Interview went with no problem, and he was given an interview date for April 11!

    Unfortunately I have been slammed by a cold, but I promise to write a detailed description of the event shortly. For now, it's back to bed with some more medicatio for me.

    Funniest thing -- I didn't remember my passport. :lol: Luckily enough we had gone out to dinner and I was worried about getting carded so he still had my license in his wallet! Ah well . . . it's all good!

    Details coming when the mucous no longer is running . . .

  2. Stewart has it so this is from memory and prob not right...

    1. Photo

    2. Passport (copies)

    3. Birth certificate (copies)

    4. Court papers

    5. Marriage Certificate (copies?)

    6. Police certificate (copies?)

    7. 1-864 and ONE years W2's and returns But I did all three to be safe. They only took one. COPIES

    8. Medical?

    That might not be right but that's the stuff you need.

    Thank you! That gets us started!

  3. Hi all! So, I'm in Sydney, we file my half of the paperwork tomorrow. Yahoo! Sitting here on the back porch enjoying the Rainbow Lories and getting organized.

    We're not able to do my husband's interview tomorrow and we don't have a date for that yet since we were waiting for a case number to arrive. We'll hand in the DS 2001 tomorrow with my junk and hope that the interview happens soon.

    As we're getting stuff together in the next day or so, does anyone have a copy of the instructions for the order of the documentation for his interview handy and available? It would be great to be able to put it together with each other in person so we can double check without having to do it across the internet . . . :) If anyone has that information to share, it would be SO helpful.

    Thanks all, and congrats to Caroline & Stewart once again!!!!!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you!

    I had to laugh, we probably passed each other in the airport. :D

    I'm in Sydney and we're getting ready to go through all our stuff this morning. Tomorrow morning I'll be handing in my forms and we'll be able to hand in my husband's DS2001. We still don't have a case number so he hasn't sent that in yet, although we're ready. It's all good!

    Thank you so much for the description of your experience, definitely helpful as we will be there at the MLC Center tomorrow bright and early. I'll be sure to bring out my pushy American side for that elevator. :whistle: Not that I'm ever a pushy American. hehehe

    Congrats, again! I hope your flight was as empty as mine was!

  5. Hiya Wolvendove. We didn't request any date, didn't really expect that letter for another week or so, so you can imagine my surprise when it was in the mail box that day. I sent back the packet 3 checklist etc the same day I got it, by express post ($4 envelope is big enough) so they got it on the Thursday, the packet four was sent out on the Monday, I got it on Wednesday. So roughly around a month or so once you have sent it back in.

    That's amazing!! Thank you very much for letting me know. I'll pass this on to my husband. Hopefully he's ready in time! :)

  6. Have either of you two found your way to the archived forums? You'll find a much deeper pool of posts to read from about your respective Consulates and what is needed.


    "deeper pool" is right . . . I tend to get a bit lost in it, actually. With the little time I have to spare I get a bit caught up if I'm not too careful. And to be honest, since I've started DCF Sydney things have been pretty smooth. The Consulate there is so incredibly helpful I'm tempted to bring them "thank you" cookies in two weeks! :) I'm sure I will dig into those archives before I fly, though, just to make certain I've got all I need with me.

  7. What wonderful news, Clare!! Glad to hear the medical went so well for you. Also glad to hear the Consulate was as prompt responding for you. :thumbs: Yahoo!

    I'm still getting used to my new signature . . . It keeps morphing. Worse is when I keep forgetting to use the new pin number on my bank account. (New joint account, new pin) I keep getting funny looks . . . "Shoot! Did it again!" Ah well.

  8. Well had the medical today in Brissie. The ladies there were lovely, contrary to what I had heard and braced myself for. The doctor was a really nice man, a human even!!! All in all a day in the City with just a couple of pricks to put up with, had my MMR & ADT done whilst I was there hehehehe. Should have the results by next Monday!!!

    Which is a good thing, cause when I get home, checked the mailbox and GUESS WHAT!!!!???? PACKET 4!!


    Congrats!!! This is wonderfully exciting!

    A question -- did you request 10 April, or did you ask for a first availble interview date? My sweetie and I are trying to guess a timeline (I know, very laughable) as to when he might get an interview . . . One month or less from filing the DS2001 sounds good to me!!

    Again, Congratulations!!!!

  9. If it makes you feel any better, I've realized that I did NOT keep a photocopy of DS-230 I or II!!! I can't believe I've survived this long without it, but I'm making the DAH ask for a copy at his next interview.

    I'm *sure* I won't get into Heaven if I dont have a copy of that for my file, and I don't care that it was submitted 4 years ago!


    Meauxna, you make mistakes too?? My goodness, we are all human here, aren't we?! :P

    Mickndarcyjo, you sound so very familiar to how I felt about a month ago. It took 20 days for me to get a response from my first mailing and "everyone else" had recieved their notice within 3 - 10 days. I was just sick becuase I knew that the process wouldn't even be started until I heard from them. I felt helpless and increasingly hopeless . . . Eventually I did get my NOA1 sent to me, but it did take longer than the timelines I had read. It is incredibly frustrating, but just hang in there. It will happen. They may have just had a rush because of a holiday or something similar. In the meantime, this is a great place to come and find support. At least I've found it to be.

    Strength to you!

  10. have I mentioned I love you guys?

    So it's my last full day at work and time is CRAWLING by.

    I finally realized I DO have to have a bank letter I guess? I went monday and tehy SWEAR i'll have it to pick up on Thurs but I'm not optimisitic. Dad said if it's not ready he'd go pick it up and fax it to us in Oz so it's ok.

    we're ready. I'm packing tonight. :) I'm ready to GO GO GO

    My thoughts are with you!!!!! You will have a wonderful time and all will be well! Get back and give us details!

    Oh -- and what's the bank letter? Is that a copy of your account statement?

    Enough with the questions -- celebrate, you're on your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jest::dancing:

  11. What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing!

    I'm the user with the man from Sydney. :) Karo is right, although we have to file things beforehand you get to do it all at once!! So, listen to Karo and be excited! You get to walk in with your sweetheart for that fun interview! I'm a little bummed my husband has to go all by himself . . . :( Ah well. It's all good!

    As for the name thing, I have no idea at all, but why not try asking the Consulate? They've been incredibly helpful and really timely when I've sent emails full of clarifying questions. As in, I get an email response in about 3 - 5 hours if I send it during business hours. (Maybe that's unusual, but I was dang impressed!) Couldn't hurt, might help!


    Good luck! And enjoy your wedding! Strong thoughts of peace and tranquility with you tomorrow for your medical.

  12. Holy #######, chick! You're talking the long way 'round to earn some FF miles! :lol: Wish I could go in your stead and hang out for awhile.. you won't even recover from that flight! (by the way: No Jet Lag homeopathic tablets make it a snappo--may have to mail order them now; Trader Joes and Powells uit selling 'em, or try one of the Nature's type stores. The pharmacist might even make you some custom).

    Anyway, Consulate's not going to know/care if you are hanging around in Australia. It's not required.

    :lol: I know! If I could stay longer, you know I would! But, I already used up two weeks for our "honeymoon" in January (when I sent him back when his VWP ran out) and we hope to get across to Nashville at some point so my family can meet this guy! I'm lucky enough to have 4 weeks vacation a year, but this is still stretching it to use up 3 weeks before April!! So, over and back I go! At least it's before daylight savings makes the time zone diff even bigger.

    So, "No Jet Lag" pills, huh? I'll look into those. I've already fallen in love with ginger tablets for the motion sickness -- won't fly without them now! Trader Joe's . . . sigh. I miss Trader Joe's . . . I miss Powell's even more . . . Ah well. I'll dig around online.

    Trina -- If you file DCF going to Sydney is your choice! But, since your sweetie is from Queensland it gives you some cooler options than I have with my honey, I think . . . :) I'll take a look at our Packet 3 materials and let you know what I find out for you soon, k?

    Oh -- I found that I'm getting really good plane fares sent to my email from United since I signed up in their Mileage Plus program. They're not always to Oz, but I've seen at least one to Sydney that was amazing. (Didn't buy it, shoot!) Worth doing, it's free, and hey! Miles rack up quick when you fly 7,000 miles to visit in-laws! :D I'm not advertising, really, just been amazed at a few deals I've seen in the last weeks.

  13. I have reviewed a lot of the posts in this forum, which have been incredibly helpful, but I still have a few questions:

    1. Assuming my fiance can get back into the US on another VWP and we get married here, does anyone know if the Sydney Embassy will send Packet 3 to him in the US?

    2. Is the only appointment I need to be in Sydney for the first interview? i.e., if we send everything in beforehand and get an interview date, can I just fly over there for it (with the info) and then fly back that week?

    3. If we get everything into the embassy before the interview date (med, police, etc.) is it possible that there will only be one interview and the visa will be granted at it? Thanks--I was just a bit confused about these things... :huh:


    Well, I have a little information that may be helpful, but there are many more who are much wiser, so take my words with a grain of salt. :)

    Question 1 -- I have no clue!

    Question 2 -- You're correct that you only need to be physically present to file your I-130 and I-864. I am flying in, dropping off the petition, and flying back in the same week. Whether that will work or not? Well, we'll find out in two weeks!

    Question 3 -- Where is your fiance's residency in Aus? If he is from NSW, then you will have to file your paperwork before he can be granted an interview date. (Which could be a month or so out from when you ask for it.) If not, it's possible to file everything on the same day, as you have heard of other lucky couples being able to. First, though, before I babble more -- where is he from? :)

    Warning: The police check and the medical can ONLY be done in Australia. They will not accept medicals from the USA, trust me, we've now paid for both. :oops:

    As meauxna wrote in another post, it is best to have him go back to Aus and stay there and join him to file. Trust me -- as heartbreaking as it is to be apart, this path is much faster than other options. You'll make it!

    I hope this helps a little. I don't have much to offer, but I'll keep an eye out to see if I can help any more.

    Keep your chin up! You're on the right path.

  14. So sorry to hear about the morning sickness. I really hope it eases up soon for you. I'm sure it's not helping to have the stress of the process. Do something gentle for you today, k?

    Bummer about the visa. Thank you for sharing your experience, though. It reminds me to get my rear in gear to get that sort of evidence together before I leave. May I ask which form or document you didn't have with you for your I-864? I'm putting that together this week and I would appreciate knowing, if you're willing to share, I just can't afford another plane ticket over, nor do I have th vacation time left.

    Keep going, mate. This will happen for you.

  15. According to the assistant: folks from out of NSW can get their vaccinations/bloodwork done ahead of time at home and then arrive for the medical on the morning of your interview (or day before or so) and get it all done there. Could be less expensive?

    I was under the impression could get vaccinations/bloodwork done ahead of time even if in NSW :unsure: I guess I better check on that as I had worked out a system to save myself money already on that presumption. I have a bulk billing medical center close by where I can get the prescription from the doctor and go across to the pharmacy to have it filled. All I would be up for is the vaccination costs at the pharmacy as would be no charge for the doctor to administer. There is also a bulk billing pathology clinic next door where I can get any bloodtests done without a fee.

    So happy for you girl.....you are almost there already :dance::dance: its good aye :thumbs:

    You know, I'm sure you could do exactly that. I'm under the impression that the office was empty while he was there and so he chatted everyone up, as is his personality. (Love that about him, I'm such an introvert . . .) I think they were talking about how expensive it can be in other areas. (Is Perth really like $600+ for the exam?!) That's how the conversation regarding arriving early for your scheduled interview at the consulate and jumping in for your medical came about.

    He was also told a story about a couple who met up in Sydney to file on a Thursday. (Male from NY, USA/ Female from Queensland?, don't qoute me) He flew in, she picked him up, and they went to Millar for her medical on Thursday morning. They then went to the Consulate for a Thursday drop-in day and found that it had been closed for a training session! Since they had purchased tickets several months in advance and he had to get back to work in the States quickly, they didn't know what they were going to do! Lesson: Check the consulate website to make certain they haven't closed for training or something similar before you actually board the plane if you're planning a drop-in Thursday! I guess the assistant said they had a happy ending -- she called over, randomly found someone stopping by their desk, explained the situation, and they were told to come in Friday morning and they could be the training demonstration!

    So, anyway, I'm sure you can do the same thing there in Sydney, they just happened to be chatting about those from outside of NSW at the time and he wanted me to share that info with anyone out there who might find it useful. :)

    Getting closer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dancing:

  16. Costs:

    Blood Tests: If you're getting 6+ done it costs $150.30 Aus Normally they only test 2 (We think it was around $75 for the basics) They take credit, but not Amex.

    X-Ray: 60.60 Aus, pay before it's done, no Amex

    Dr. Millar: Credit accepted, and Amex, his fee is $121, time in the actual exam 20 min.

    As always, this is just our experience, not the law nor anything more than just our experience. :)

    So, my honey recommends arriving up to an hour early because they build in plenty of cushion room at Dr. Millar's office and you might be able to slip in early. He got there way early and the whole thing ended up taking about one hour for everything. Since he was early the receptionist sent him down to get the X-ray then to get the blood drawn. After that he went back to Xray to pick up the film, etc. and then back up to Dr. Millar's office. It went incredibly smooth for him, with basically no waiting between events, so don't take his time as a rule, but rather as the ideal. He even finished before another couple completing the same tests because the X-ray and blood was done before seeing Dr. Millar.

    Since his body doesn't take well to vaccines, he's having extra tests done on his blood to check for antibodies before having more sticks than necessary. (Having 8 tests done on the blood, the fee maxes out at 6) This will take more time, but if you want to avoid sticks and are pretty sure you've had that MMR or whatever else as an infant, you can pay a little extra to have them look through the blood first.

    The downside of going on Thursday afternoons -- The blood gets sent out to the lab on Thursday mornings so if you're in after that it will be a week before it's sent out and then up to another week for results.

    Other gossip: According to the blood lab tech, Dr. English has been sick for the past 4 weeks and Millar's office is picking up the business. So, if you've had a rough time gettting a hold of English, that would be why.

    According to the assistant: folks from out of NSW can get their vaccinations/bloodwork done ahead of time at home and then arrive for the medical on the morning of your interview (or day before or so) and get it all done there. Could be less expensive?

    He also said there are only 4 chairs in the waiting room, so if it's busy, that could suck, and there's virtually no reading material, so bring something with you!

    He was impressed by how efficient both the assistant and Dr. Millar were. His assistant really is stellar! :thumbs:

    So . . . I get to go see him in 19 days!!!!! We'll file my part of the petition on March 30th and then wait for our interview date! Woohoo! :goofy::dancing:

  17. Urgent news: I've gone mad. I think this time away from Stewart has made me insane because I AGREED TO TRAIN WITH HIM TO RUN A HALF MARATHON.

    He was a cross country runner in HS, I was only a soccer player, a bad ### soccer player, but just a soccer player. Caroline does not like to run unless a soccer ball is at her feet or someone is chasing her...

    But I agreed to do this with him.

    I must be mad.

    :lol: Or in love! Mozzies and Marathons . . . what we do for love. :lol:

  18. 1. Lots, can't remember the exact amount and after some tiring searching for my post which went into it I give up, be prepared to spend around 300... you may come out of it with change...

    2. No. At least not with my experience in Sydney, the worst was having to undress and get into one of those lovely paper gowns and to drop it only for a minute. I've read in the UK women have had to have internal exams but I've read nothing like that for Sydney.

    3. I went to Dr. English and I have to say go to the other bloke. He is reccommended here and while I have nothing really bad to report about Dr English my two complaints are (1) His office is further away than Dr. Millar's to the chest xray place... I believe Dr. Millar's office is in the same building as the chest xray place and (2) Dr English's receptionist insisted on not sending out my medical results and would only give them to me the day of my interview... an early interview and a delayed train made me stress a great deal, also I had no time to photocopy the sucker. Very glad I asked the receptionist to at least copy the vaccination sheet for me.

    Good luck!

    Thank you!!

  19. thank you all SO much. Yeah last time I flew Qantas we were late AND They lost my bags...ugh

    I am just bummed because the only other flight out is at 5pm so he won't get in til the next day and since i'm at work mom will have to get him...hahaha I wanted to be there : ( I mean I will have just left him 3 days earlier but still.

    Thank you so much for the advice.

    Wow! This is the first time I've heard about Qantas being late like this! This is good to know. We've been flying United, SYD to SFO and haven't had a single problem. Well, other than getting to sit between two very tall and gangly teenage boys who sleep like teenage boys do . . . sprawled. This time, I beg for a window seat. . . -_-

  20. Sorry for getting so technical!!

    No apologies needed, we all get worried and technical when it comes to keeping our loved ones with us. It's understandable.

    My husband and I thought we would be able to file for AOS, but some stuff got buggered and off he flew to Aus. So, we're going a different route. BUT, he did get his I-693 done here in the states. (which is now useless . . . bummer.) So, I'll share what I know, trusting that you know I'm just sharing my experience, not pretending to really know much of anything. :)

    Since he didn't have any proof of vaccinations they shot him up with the MMR and the tetnus on the day of his exam. If you have any way to prove that your husband has had these as an infant -- find it. It's not worth sore arms, not to mention finances. If you know what hospital or doctor he may have had as a child, contact them and ask for a copy of the medical records or immunization records. MMR is typically done as an infant -- could his mother or father still have records of that somewhere tucked away in a baby book? (I had my Mom send me mine as soon as I realized I may need them. I hate shots.)

    Also, if immunizations are required -- make certain they do the TB test FIRST! It's a simply small injection and it gets checked in two to three days, then you can get your immunizations. If you have a live virus injected you will be unable to get the TB (PPD) test completed for at least 28 days. (This is why my husband went home. We couldn't finish the form and file it all together . . . I've learned more since then, but you shouldn't have to go through what we did.)

    All in all it was really pretty simple (other than the TB test mess up). Don't stress too much and hey, it's an opportunity to get a good basic health screening done. Something we should all do once in a while. :)

    Good luck. And the AOS forum will probably be a little easier to find info in. This is great site with lots of helpful people. Take care! :thumbs:

  21. wolvedove

    on page 25 of the original thread there are the jabs you need if you need to know..just go to page 1 of this thread and click on the link below that aussiewench posted...also within the embassey info at the top of this screen there are the doctors for australia....where did you get married in oz or usa...just wondering cos i thought DCF was that u had to get married in oz then file for DCF

    We have the info on what's needed, just wondering about the stuff they don't tell you on the papers. Like, which doctor is actually a nice human being rather than an overwhelmed overworked exhausted person. :) As for DCF, luckily enough it doesn't matter what country you're married in, as long as you have the certified license. And in Sydney we're lucky enough to not even have residency restrictions for the USC! Yeah!

  22. wolvendove,

    1. if the price hasn't gone up from last year then all up it should be about $210 for the medical (exam, blood and xray)

    2. not it's not. you strip to your undies. (i've had worse at my GP)

    3. go to Dr. Millar...he's old but quite pleasant and his secretary is absolutly fantastic.

    thanks karo.


    Matt -- Congrats on your green card! That's marvelous. :thumbs:

    And thank you SO much for the advice and info on the medical. My husband is already playing it up over the phone. Maybe he's just fishing for sympathy? :) I'll pass on the info to him and we'll get this ball rolling!!!!! He had one done here in the States already and it was easy, I have no idea why he's thinking this one will be so much worse . . .

    One step closer every day!!!

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