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Posts posted by suzannepecak

  1. Any one please help... I have a confusion

    In my interview letter for certain documents there is a status code with F. Which means nvc did not request you to submit this document.

    Does it mean that I don't requirement document...

    I am so confused as there are many Fs

    Someone pleasehelp.

    It means that these documents are not needed for your interview. They are not relevant or non-exisstent.

  2. Just had my interview yesterday in Rio de Janeiro and got an approval!

    After exactly 11 months of wait from filing our application, the interview part lasted exactly 3 minutes and 40 seconds - I looked at my watch when they called me to the booth and again after I walked away. Just four questions questions: when did we meet, where did we meet, what type of work I do and what type of visa I had before.

    Now just have to wait for the passport to get back - the postal service is on strike in Brazil and things are moving slower. There is always something....


    You must be so glad that's over with. Congrats! Amazing huh, how easy the interview is after all that time. I guess no need to be nervous, it's just a formality.

    My interview is tomorrow, I am so excited! After 14 ff-in' months it's long due:)

  3. My interview is on 9/16

    But the only available doctor appointment is on 9/18, so i have to book for 9/18

    What will happen at the interview ?

    Anyone knows ?



    Have you read this on nvc website?


    According to this it's ok to have your medical after the interview, it can just delay the process.

  4. You will have a 6 month period from your day of visa issued to travel. Unless you want to fly the same week you get your visa. I suggest wait for it.

    Until the visa is in your hand DO NOT book anything. You never know if there could be an issue which would impact the issuance/printing of your visa.

    If you are willing to buy a refundable ticket, or ticket which allows you to delay your trip, go for it.

    But most of the good deal tickets charge hefty price for cancelling or rescheduling.

    Thanx you guys!!!!

  5. By the way Monteal asked me to register the appointment at https://usvisa-info.com/ .

    It is asking me DS-260 number. If I enter OMB CONTROL NUMBER from DS-260 by logging in, it gives an error, "Invalid and has already been taken". Also with Case number, it shows "is not ready for an appointment".

    If you log on to the ceac portal and click on IV application and then click view and then click sign youll see the ds260 confirmation page.At the bottom, just above the bard code you see the confirmation number. This is the number you need. It consists of letters and numbers.

  6. By the way Monteal asked me to register the appointment at https://usvisa-info.com/ .

    It is asking me DS-260 number. If I enter OMB CONTROL NUMBER from DS-260 by logging in, it gives an error, "Invalid and has already been taken". Also with Case number, it shows "is not ready for an appointment".

    Yes, good call. I read on the Amsterdam embassy website we Dutchies need to do that too, exact same website.

    The embassy lady I talked to strongly advised to please read read and read thru all the info available on the web, not just the info in the P4 letter. Her experience is that people just make an appt for their medical and that;s it. Not prepare themselves enough for the interview and so they can't be helped.

    Ive been reading info for months but I keep stumbling upon new info or previous read info I can't find anymore.

    It;s hard to find others peeps experiences about the medical in Amsterdam. I guess in some countries they r very strict and others absolutely not. I wonder how much info you need to bring with, like only your medical history and vaccination records or every report in detail about treatments. Im thinking that last only goes for people who are addicted to sunstances or really crazy or something. ;p

    Guess I'll better bring more and not need it than need it and not have it.

  7. Yes this tread this is where you come from case complete to pass interview day. Even POE talk. We do it all here.

    Because medical is so embassy specific I have put on 1st post that everyone needs to go to their info page of their portal. Usually all have up to date information on your places for medical, doctor, prices all that.

    Right, well, because all people talk about is the interview date, I figured there's another thread for after receiving that wanted date.

    Yeah, a shame that all embassies and med exams work and are different. Harder to help each other out.

  8. No I have not and it will not happen. The lateness is just like last month look ad you will see it started on Tuesday 7/14 -7/17 . It was wild. So I am holding on to next week. I think this is what NVC calls second round. Would guess interviews will be slated to end of September.

    When I spoke to the lady at the embassy in amsterdam, she said my interview at Sept 24 was the second round.

    Btw: Is there a thread for interview date to medical/interview?

  9. This is where you search. https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspx?eQs=o/iS8zDpeAKjMWCuebHqOw==

    It says either "At NVC", "in Transit" or "Ready" when its at the embassy

    Okay, finally fifured it out. Was just being blond about it..... :idea:

    It says "in transit" as of today. Yesterday it was still "at NVC".

    Funny thing: Wednesday I got a call from the embassy asking me to forward the P4 letter to them. SHe went: NVC keeps emailing people super quick about their interview date and we at the embassy know nothing!

    Kay.........welcome to our world.....? Jeez, lady...

  10. Hi all. I have learned over the past 12 months on this journey that perseverance is an important attribute one must have. I never gave up and I have God backing me up. If I told my wife the details of all I have gone through in the hands of USCIS and NVC, she would think I'm a superhero :)

    To be honest, I wasn't expecting August interview because I thought August was filled up last month but my wife's interview is now only 7 days away! Now, we'll be on the rush to get her medicals done in the next 2 days so the result can be ready before Thursday.

    We are fully aware that this "battle" in not yet over - there is one final hurdle to scale. But we believe God will perfect everything He has started in our lives. Counting down to the day I see my lovely wife again at the airport (don't know which one yet :))

    Thank you dwheels and thanks to everyone on this forum. You alll rock!

    It is incredible how you have to wait for I don't know how many months and all if a sudden you're in a rush! Hope you'll make it in time. Congrats!

  11. Almost had a heart attack. Got an e-mail from the NVC a few minutes ago, jumped out of the chair without even opening.

    Went on to read it. It's a response from an e-mail I sent on June 9th to AskNVC@ asking why my DS-260 isn't available considering the fee has been paid for a month.

    I hope they are not busy responding to 2 month old e-mails instead of working on getting cases going....

    Lol, I'm so sorry. I know how that feels. So I have learned not to jump in the air before opening and reading first. Look for email from inquiryNVC not askNVC, that's what u thought at first. But I did get the p4 letter via askNVC.

    And we also experienced thus situation where they answer our questions after three months or so, when the question already resolved itself....they even answered a question after our case complete!

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