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Posts posted by sirensong

  1. I was planning on flying to Portland but one of the possible layovers is at Seattle.

    I figure I'd rather be over prepared as it would be a trip of a lifetime for me and I wouldn't want to be left disappointed.

    Thank you everyone for all your helpful advice

  2. Most people have no issues, the one that do are likely to post.

    Thanks for that :) Will gather some proof of ties anyway if I can. I'm going back to school in September and doing some classes over the summer so hoping I can get a letter from them

  3. What do you have as proof of ties?

    Just generic bills really so bank statement, mobile phone bill. I'll have a return ticket with me too.

    I never realised it could be an issue but read a few posts that worried me so thought I'd ask the question.

  4. Hi, I'm new here so apologies if this is in the wrong section.

    I'm going to be making a visit to the U.S. either at the end of February/beginning of March for an extended period (between 60-80 days) and I was concerned about being denied entry.

    I'm visiting friends and they are giving me the whole tourist experience - I've recently been made redundant from my job so have a nice pay off. As such I don't have anything to show with regard to my ties to the UK

    - Currently unemployed

    - Living with family so no rent or house ownership

    What things should I be taking with me as proof of my ties to the UK? On my last visit I only stayed for 5 days do was hardly questioned at point of entry.

    Thanks in advance for any advice

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