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Posts posted by PA2928

  1. My fiancé is a Filipina citizen living in Singapore on a working pass. We are in the final stages of the visa process. All documents submitted have been approved quickly and the interview went well but the U.S. Embassy in Singapore informed her that they needed extra documents mailed to them (CENOMAR they needed directly mailed from the place that issued it, which was frustrating because she had the document with her at the interview but they wouldn't accept. Not important just a little background info). We did that and they received it, she dropped off her Filipino passport last week, and they told her that her visa will be issued and ready for pickup by the end of this week. Now it is already the Friday night, and we just checked the status online. It is still under "administrative processing," updated today. Earlier it was "ready", and we were hoping that it would be "issued" by the end of today, but instead it just went back to the "a.p." status. This is frustrating because I need to go back to the States on Tuesday and I was hoping that she could come with me. I have two questions: is it normal for the status to fluctuate like this? Our case is very straightforward and should have no issue with approval. Second, is there any electronic processing that happens during weekends? I am hoping that they are on the final stages of issuing the visa so that it could be ready for pickup by Monday, or at least by later next week. Her lease ends on June 1. It is May 23rd today. It is rather stressful and disappointing that the visa has not yet been issued as we had been told by the man at the embassy. Thanks in advance for reading and for your answers.

  2. Hello,

    My fiancé just had her K1 visa interview. She brought all the relevant documents according to the checklist that was sent to her. What is frustrating is that they told her at the interview that they will only accept the CENOMAR if they receive it directly from the place that issued it, not from her. This was never mentioned this in the checklist, so now she has to wait another two weeks for this to get done. Only then will the visa be approved. Everything else looked good, according to the man who interviewed her. So my question is this: she is planning on resigning her job once the visa gets approved, but she needs to put in one month notice. Now she will have to resign two weeks later than planned, but she would still really like to be able to resign at the time she had originally planned. In your professional opinion, is she safe to do this before the visa is issued? Our case is very straightforward and none of us have ever been married, I can support her, our proof of relationship is good, etc. thanks so much!

  3. Dear forum members,

    I have a quick question. My Filipina fiance is getting ready for her visa interview and looking at the document requirements. One of the requirements is an ORIGINAL form I-134 filled out by me. Would I absolutely have to mail this to her, or can I fill it out on my iPad and email it to her? My goodreader app has a feature where you can fill out the document using your finger as a pen, and that would be quicker and easier (and cheaper) than to mail overseas. We just want to be thorough and careful. Thanks very much!

  4. Hello!

    I am an American citizen who is engaged to a Filipina woman, and she is currently working in Singapore. We have sent in the initial paperwork for the K1 visa (the I-129f package, proof of relationship, etc.) and that all has been approved now. She has received her letter stating the list of requirement which she needs to complete for the visa application. She has completed most of the steps already but is still waiting for the NBI.

    I would like to check if it's necessary for her to mail back the letter to the US Embassy already and schedule her interview appointment even though she is still waiting for the last document that she needs, which is the NBI. Or, would it be best for her to complete all the document first before mailing back the letter to the embassy and arranging for an interview?

    In addition, can she check if the date of interview is to be chosen by the consular officer or is she the one who will choose her preferred interview date?

    Thank you and I'm looking forward to hear your advise.

  5. Hi there,

    I was wondering: my fiancé forgot to fill out her city and country of birth in her G-325A form. I didn't want to alter the doc by adding anything so as to raise red flags to the USCIS, so I included a copy of her birth certificate in the supplemental evidence, which states the city and country of her birth there. Now I am worried. Is there much of a chance of getting an RFE? I initially figured that not having this question filled out was no big deal, since all the information was there with the birth certificate included, but then again, the form itself is incomplete. Am I being paranoid? I really really don't want an RFE (who does?) and I was otherwise very careful. Thanks in advance!

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