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Posts posted by RizandDave

  1. Not quite. If you have a green card and go to the SSA to update your status, the restriction and stipulation printed on the SS card is removed. That is only printed on the SS card before becoming a permanent resident green card holder. Being a permanent resident allows you to work legally in the US. You no longer need work authorization(EAD), and they will remove that wording from the SS card once you let them know you have a green card.

    ah okay. i got it. when i went to ss office i showed my ead, thats why my ss card still has restrictions on it.

    I got confused with ead and gc.

    But i still did okay with my employer, didnt encounter any problem with it.

  2. Not quite. If you have a green card and go to the SSA to update your status, the restriction and stipulation printed on the SS card is removed. That is only printed on the SS card before becoming a permanent resident green card holder. Being a permanent resident allows you to work legally in the US. You no longer need work authorization(EAD), and they will remove that wording from the SS card once you let them know you have a green card.

    Mine still have the restriction printed on it.

    Mine still have the restriction printed on it.

    when my employer saw it, she just ask to see my gc ...

  3. My wife just got her green card in the mail. She already has a social security card. Do we need to change any thing with the SS card now that she is a resident? She came here on a K1, thats when we got her SS card.


    I assume yr wife has her SS Card under her maiden name? you can go back to ss office and have it change to married name, just bring her gc, but the restriction will still be there 'valid for work with DHS authorization'. If her gc is under here married name, her ss card has to have the same name. Theres nothing to worry about the restriction printed on it though, she can show her gc once she is offered a job, the employer will ask for it anyway, her gc is her authorization.

    My ss card has the restriction printed on it and i didn't encounter any problem.

  4. Your file is undergoing review. Unfortunately there's no magic date it's going to complete. It can take anywhere between a few days, several weeks or even a couple of months. However if your case stays pending 120 days post interview, schedule an infopass as USCIS by law is required to make a decision by then. If USCIS doesn't resolve it after 120 days, use a congressman or senator to "force" an adjudication. By the way if your interview went well, you'll get approved. It's just a waiting game now.

    Hi Starkilla09,

    Thanks for yr reply. Its the waiting game thats so frustrating specially if i knew some friends who got on the spot approval. Regarding infopass, if we do that, are we going to talk to the officer who is handling our case?

  5. Hi,

    It's been weeks and still our status is the same . 'Interview Was Completed And My Case Must Be Reviewed'. For those who were in the same situation, how many weeks or months before your status changed and finally received yr green card? Our marriage is legit, we are together for 6 years before we got married. The interview went smoothly. We answered all questions correctly. At the end of the interview the officer said that, he will review our case and if approved, we will get our GC in two weeks. But its more than 2 weeks now. Another question, when is the best time to request for an infopass? Should we wait till the 30th day, if we still don't have any update?

    Who has the case here as mine? Pls share.


  6. Check yr ticket if the travel tax is included already. And btw, its NOT immigration fee, it doesnt go to the immigration, itsTIEZA. TerminL fee is 750.

    Its a very small airport. Im sure she will be fine. And there are plenty of bisaya people there. She can ask if she get lost.

  7. Actually, the ecc that you got for yr daughter begore is what they call a 'registration'. Thats for foriegn passplrt holders that is first time to depart from the philippines. If you got one before, no need to do that again.

    i asked if your daughter was given balikbayan, 1 yr stay here because she really is entitled to that being a daughter of a filipino citizen.

    If yr daughter stayed here, since arrival from HK, for a year AND MORE than 6 months. Then she needs to update her stay and get another ECC - Now, this ECC that im talking about is an exit clearance for foreigners who stayed in the country for more thAn 6 months. Yr daughter is considered a foriegner here since she is not holding dual citizenship.

    In yr case, lets say yr daughter arrived jun 2012. Her balikbayan is up to Jun 2013. And you will be leaving feb 2014, she stayed 8 months more. Then she needs to update her stay and get an ECC - this is an emigration exit clearance NOT like the first one that you got.

    So theres 2 kinds of ECC:

    1. The registration that you got for yr daughter when you went to Hk because it was her first time to depart using foriegn passpport, and

    2. ECC -emigration clearance cert, for foriegners who stayed for more than 6 months.

    For balikbayan, the start of yr 6 months counting is the day after yr 1 year expire. For tourist, 6 months counting start from the day you arrived.

    Actually there are diff kinds of ECC or exit clearance or emigration clearance cert. But this 2 is the most common. Other are for residents and foriegn workers here, and it would be a long discussion :)

  8. Yea I know my daughter is a USC and she had a US passport but she needs the exit clearance my question is just is she needs exit clearance again or not?

    CFO is not difficult to do, actually I just had my CFO today but all went smooth and no difficulties we finished 10 am[/quo

    Hi, if your child had an exit clearance before, no need to get Another one ...

  9. Hi,

    I have 3 kids. My k1 has been approved and also my 2 k2s (my eldest and youngest). We are still here in the Philippines and planning to move to USA this coming April 2015, after school year is finished for my dependents. My son, 12 y/o will follow in a later date.

    My question is: When can i sponsor him? Is there a timeframe? Like a year after we get to USA must I petition him to follow?

    Thank you.

  10. Yes it can be a grocery list of documents depending their mood at CFO, there is a list in the guide below

    I heard from the lady that there are applicants that dont get the sticker on the day of the seminar. They have to go back to show more documents that are asked from them. And then, if you satisfy them, thats the time that they will give you a cert and sticker in yr passport.

    I dont undestand why CFO is so strict on that. I mean, we've been through USCIS and US Embassy, we've proved that the relationship is true. USCIS and USEM checked it thoroughly already thats why we were approved and given a visa. So why do we still need to prove to CFO that what we have is not a scam. I mean, cmon, its the USCIS and USEM!

    They should just be there for counselling. Just my opinion! I didnt have a hard time at CFO though, I just pity those who have to go back to bring and show them more proof.

  11. i suggest you forward the certified true copy of decision, cert and finality yourself, i did not relay anymore with the CR to do it, because it will take long. when i took it to NSO, the lady said i have to come back after 2 weeks then i can get an annotated marriage cert already. and when i did, i saw the annotation on my Marriage cert ....

    i dont know if this still works now, my nullity was 2010.

  12. I was at CFO yesterday, the lady said the documents that she will ask depends on your one-on-one interview .... mostly is proof of relationship.

    The docs that she asked from me: Divorce decree of dave, my annulment court documents and our old pictures together ...

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