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Posts posted by Ribs&Beans

  1. I've read through these forums, and I think I've figured this situation out, but I just want to verify that this is correct with some of you guys who have more experience with this type of visa.

    My father in law is an LPR. He has 2 unmarried daughters outside of the US--one who is 18, one who is 28. Each of them has a child.

    Is the following correct?

    • For the 18 year old, he would be applying for an F2A visa with follow to join benefits for his daughter's child. This would probably take about 2 years; if she ages out, it would change to an F2B visa and take longer.
    • For the 28 year old, he would be applying for an F2B visa with follow to join benefits for the daughter's child. This will take several years, but may be a little shorter if he eventually becomes a US citizen and changes the category of the petition.
    • For both daughters, he would start by filing an I-130 petitions (one for each daughter), being sure to list the children of each daughter on their respective petition.

    Please correct me if any of this is wrong!

    Thanks. :-)

  2. Hmm No CC for AOS yet? 4/29 is the IV SC? 5/8 Is the checklist and the scan date? Is this ep? Im a but confused.

    I sent the AOS and IV packets separately, so two different scan dates. I sent the IV packet on 04/29, before I got the checklist for it, so it was just coincidence that the scan date for that was the same day as the checklist. No EP! Is it possible to get CC on AOS alone? I thought they had to have all the documents (AOS and IV) before case closed.

  3. Hey! I'm happy to find this thread. We have an IR-5 case at NVC now. Here are my dates if you want to add them to the spreadsheet.

    04/13/15 - Scan date (but I only sent AOS docs--dumb)

    04/29/15 - Mailed IV packet

    05/08/15 - Received checklist for IV docs

    05/08/15 - Scan date for IV docs

    Now just hanging out waiting and crossing my fingers for case closed without more checklists. Good luck everyone!

  4. I was dumb and sent the AOS packet alone after I paid the AOS fees (I thought that was causing the delay in invoicing the IV bill). Now I'm reading that I should have sent everything together. I have the documents for the IV packet. Should I send everything (AOS docs and IV docs) in one big packet (basically resending the AOS docs)? Or do you think that would cause more confusion somehow?


  5. Exactly the same process as he would be filed for by his wife. So you probably need to figure out why obtaining permanent resident status through his wife did not work...

    Thanks! That helps a lot. My husband called and asked--apparently the woman lied about ever submitting the paperwork. This just keeps getting more and more fun (sarcasm)! Yet he's still with her.

    The process would be faster if she did petition for him, right (as opposed to an adult child petitioning for a parent)?

  6. Hi everyone,

    I couldn't find a situation specifically like this one, so I'm hoping asking will help. Here's the situation:

    • My husband (US citizen--completely legal route) wants to solicit a visa for his father.
    • His father came to the US around 2011 on a cultural exchange visa, overstayed, never left--so he's here illegally. He's been living and working here ever since.
    • I believe the father has already married a US citizen (he and my husband's mother are long since divorced) and tried to legitimize his status that way, but I guess it didn't work.

    Is it possible for my husband to successfully solicit a visa for his father? If so, how? Is it a situation that will definitely require a lawyer? Is it even worth trying, or would we just be wasting the money?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who has some answers or who can point us in the right direction!

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