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Posts posted by wolzi3

  1. it takes time to get an immigration visa through the pipe and across the channel and glued into a passport.

    since you not need to show any proof of income with I-130 submittal,

    I suggest you file the I-130 soonish, nowish,

    and amass monies in 2015.

    So I should submit the I-130 now?

    Also, I was just wondering. Should I do these forms myself or hire a visa company/lawyer? I'm wondering if this will save money or is it too risky? Guess that's another topic but I just wanted to know..

  2. Hi all. My wife is from Thailand. I want her to come to the US on an IR1 visa. We married while I was living in Thailand with her. I have had virtually no income when I lived with her. I did not file any tax returns and as far as I know I never need to file any. I have since come back to the US and gotten a job. My income will still not be enough in 2014 since I only worked a few months. I guess I will need my father to co-sponsor my wife since my income is not enough. My question is mainly how do I get 3 tax returns? I never had any income while I was living abroad since I lived on savings and credit cards. I just can't get past this huge problem. Do I work another 2 years so I can get 2 more tax returns? That would take forever and I'm tired of waiting. My wife wants to be reunited with our son here in the US.

  3. Hi all. I'm new to this forum. My wife is from Thailand. We married there several years ago while we lived together. I'm back in the USA now and I want to bring her to the US. I'm trying to get her a IR1 visa but they are asking for past 3 tax returns? My income was non-existent for the years I lived in Thailand with her. Mainly, I lived on my savings & credit cards so I never had any taxable income or filed any tax returns. I have a job now so do I just send this years' tax return? My income will still not meet the threshold for the affidavit of support thing so I'm going to need my father to co-sponsor my wife. Thanks.

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