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Posts posted by voiceforGod

  1. @Proudly Canadian. My bad, it should be joint sponsor then ^_^ I will edit the title soon. Yes, my father-in-law is outside the U.S. right now working temporarily in religious group.

    I read this last night :

    What kinds of employment abroad can be counted as U.S. domicile?
    • Employment temporarily stationed abroad with the U.S. government
    • Employment temporarily stationed abroad with a U.S. institution of research recognized by the Attorney General
    • Employment temporarily stationed abroad with a U.S. firm or corporation or its subsidiary engaged in whole or in part in the development of foreign trade and commerce with the United States
    • Employment temporarily stationed abroad with a public international organization in which the United States participates by treaty or statute
    • Employment temporarily stationed abroad with a religious denomination/group having a genuine organization within the United States.
    • Employment temporarily stationed abroad as a missionary by a religious denomination/group or by an interdenominational mission organization within the United States

    There may be other circumstances in which a sponsor can show that his or her presence abroad is of a temporary nature, and the sponsor has a domicile in the United States. The sponsor must satisfy the consular officer that he/she has not given up his/her domicile in the United States and established his/her domicile abroad.

    @VOL My family is in the US right now. I just came here for visit while husband for meetings religious group/board. But something unexpected happen that he has to wait until this year to meet them. We got married in the Philippines and has a kid now. I want to go back to the Philippines with my son but of course my husband doesn't want me to do that and decided to work in getting permanent residency here.

    When my son and I with my husband were interviewed by US embassy Manila for tourist Visa. The officer said we could apply for that DCF visa that would only take for few weeks.But of course we declined because we were just coming here temporarily and our work is in the Philippines as Missionaries.

  2. Hi,

    My husband doesn't have any tax returns because he has not lived in the U.S for long time.He is an American Citizen and his father agreed as my joint sponsor but last year he went to a different country for work but his mailing address, bills, bank accounts, statements etc. are still here in the U.S. We already have copies of his income tax returns (3 years). Can he still pass as my joint sponsor?

  3. Hello everyone,

    My husband is a U.S. Citizen but lived most his life in the Philippines. We have one child and we are planning on getting a citizenship through grandparents as advice by a lawyer. We didn't pass birth abroad report because my husband does not meet the requirements as he need to have been a U.S. resident for at least five years, with two of those years being after the age of 14.

    Under current U.S. immigration laws, Section 322 of the ACT, the only possibility of obtaining (transmitting) U.S. Citizenship through American grandparents is as follows:

    1. the child is under 18 , and in the legal custody of the US citizen parent;
    2. The child’s parent is a US citizen, by either birth or naturalization.
    3. The child’s US citizen grandparent lived in the US (or US possession), for at least five years, two of which were after the grandparent’s 14th birthday.

    My husband and I are collecting papers from his mom for supporting documents. Anyone who has gone through this process before?

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